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Chevrolet Impala


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Ragazzi, il problema di questa macchina non è tanto l'estetica ma il nome... Vi immaginate un possibile claim? "Chevrolet, l'auto che ti IMPALA!"

"Vigila sui tuoi pensieri: la tua vita dipende da come pensi".

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Regno: Animalia


Hai fatto bene a precisare. :wink: Impala è effettivamente il nome di un animale.

Per quanto riguarda l'automobile, preferisco decisamente questo modello 2005 rispetto al precedente. Ah una curiosità: il nome Impala fu usato dalla Chevrolet già in passato per le sue berline full-size, fino agli anni settanta-inizio ottanta.


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Regno: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Classe: Mammalia

Ordine: Artiodactyla

Famiglia: Bovidae

Sottofamiglia: Aepycerotinae

Genere: Aepyceros

Specie: Aepyceros melampus




Ciao Vare, ben ritrovato :P .

Lo so che è un animale, ma il suono lievemente ambiguo resta :lol:

"Vigila sui tuoi pensieri: la tua vita dipende da come pensi".

Libro dei Proverbi

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Ciao Vare, ben ritrovato :P .

Grazie :P

Lo so che è un animale, ma il suono lievemente ambiguo resta :lol:

concordo pienamente. chiamare "impala" un'auto in Italia è come darsi la zappa sui piedi. Assolutamente ridicolo! :lol:

Come testimonial però possono chiamare Piero Angela... la potrebbe presentare alla stampa in una puntata di Quark sulla savana africana :lol:

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2006 Chevy Impala and Monte Carlo deliver refinement and performance with quiet strentgh

Chevrolet has issued the following press release:

Chevrolet unveiled the 2006 Impala and Monte Carlo at the 2005 Greater Los Angeles Auto Show. The vehicles enter the hotly contested mid-car segment with enhanced premium-quality features and attention to detail, including an innovative flip-and-fold rear seat in the Impala, and revised suspension systems that deliver comfortable, quiet and more confident ride and handling characteristics. These new ingredients improve on an already popular recipe for driving satisfaction.

“The ’06 Impala and Monte Carlo deliver more of what customers want from a large sedan or coupe – uncompromising roominess, but with the performance and styling of a sports car,” said Brent Dewar, Chevrolet general manager. “Mid-car represents the largest segment of the industry, and the ’06 Impala and Monte Carlo will continue Chevy’s leadership there.”

Both vehicles hold unique positions in the market. Impala is an unqualified success, with more than 1 million sales since its 1999 debut and market share increases from 2 percent in ’99 to 8 percent through 2003. The Monte Carlo draws on a rich NASCAR racing legacy to offer one of the industry’s only true mid-size personal coupes. Each vehicle carries strong heritage, too, with the Monte Carlo nameplate introduced in 1970 and the Impala introduced in 1958.

Standard and available safety features include ABS, traction control, side-curtain roof rail air bags on Impala, and available seat-mounted side air bags for Monte Carlo . A new family of high-tech V-6 engines, which features cam phasing to optimize performance and economy, is standard in both vehicles, with the base models receiving a new 3.5L V-6 that produces 210 (156 kw) horsepower and 220 lb.-ft. (304 Nm) of torque. Uplevel models are available with a 240-horsepower (179 kw) 3.9L V-6 built on the same architecture as the 3.5L engine.

Impala SS and Monte Carlo SS receive the new LS4 5.3L V-8 with Displacement On Demand (DOD) technology to regulate between eight-cylinder and four-cylinder operation – providing up to 12 percent improved fuel economy in certain light-load driving conditions. The 5.3L V-8 produces 303 horsepower (226 kw) and 323 lb.-ft. (438 Nm) of torque.


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