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(LAAS)Design Challenge:Ultimate LA Machine


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Design Challenge - What is the Ultimate LA Machine?

Imagine what the Ultimate LA Machine would be. Then, ask automobile designers to come up with their interpretation and you’ll get a broad array of creative ideas. That’s precisely what the Los Angeles Auto Show asked Los Angeles area automobile design studios to do – and the results are fascinating, entertaining and thought provoking.

The design challenge is a competition between Los Angeles area design studios’ to showcase their imagination and creativity. Los Angeles is a world leader in automotive design with 14 manufacturer design studios, representing Asian, European and North American automakers.

A panel of judges will select the winner based on which concept best expresses the characteristics of Los Angeles. The criteria the judges will be using are: spirit, road presence and brag factor; originality; sex appeal; and function and features. The concepts will be presented in two-dimensional form and displayed at the show.













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io terrei d'occhio il disegno della Mini. Secondo me potrebbe essere simile a quello della Mini 2007...

quello che pensavo anche io

  • Ieri: Fiat Panda 900 Young (1998) - AB Y10 II Avenue (1993) - Fiat Panda 1.2 DynamicClass (2004) - Fiat Punto Evo 1.4 GPL (2010)
  • Oggi: Ford Focus SW 1.6 Tdci 90cv (2009) e Lancia Ypsilon 1.2 (2016)
  • Ieri: Aprilia Rally II L.C. 50cc (1996) - Piaggio Vespa PX 150 (2002) - Honda Hornet 600 II (2006)
  • Oggi: Honda Hornet 600 III (2007) e Piaggio Vespa PX 150 (2000)
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