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Screamer Team Sign Alfa Romeo License


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Monday 24th January 2005


Italian developer working on officially licensed Alfa Romeo racer

15:59 The team behind old-school racer Screamer and Xbox exclusive Racing Evoluzione has snapped up

the rights to classic Italian sports car manufacturer Alfa Romeo.

S.C.A.R. - Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo (which, according to our stellar knowledge of Italian, translates

as 'Square Run Alfa Romeo') is already in development for PS2, Xbox, PC and mobile phone, and should

be ready to hit the tarmac this spring, distributed by Black Bean.

Other than a great deal of chuffed emissions about how awesome it is to have captured such a

"prestigious" brand, Milestone hasn't released any specific gameplay details. So we'll stick our neck

on the line and say that S.C.A.R. will see you racing Alfa Romeo motors from past, present and future

against other Alfa Romeos in a joyous celebration of Alfa Romeos.

And how will it feel driving those Alfa Romeos? Well, " Hans Hoegstedt, head of Marketing and

Communication at Alfa Romeo reckons, "driving an Alfa Romeo is not like driving an ordinary car in an

ordinary context. It is pure driving desire turned into a car which is also the expression of one's

personality. When you are in the driving seat, your hands on the leather steering wheel, you are at

one with your Alfa Romeo: the road before your eyes, the tyres's grip on the road, your heart beating

at the same rpm of your engine."

Which sounds very nice indeed, if a little over the top. It'll be interesting to see if Milestone can

live up to this standard - the team has had success with the Screamer series, which brought Ridge

Racer-style racing to the PC back in the nineties, and recent titles Superbike World Championship for

EA and Racing Evoluzione for Atari were fairly well received, even if they didn't sell very well.

More info on S.C.A.R. and some shiny screens soon.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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squadra corse significa square run e non racing team....secondo questi babelfishoidi...sono ridicoli..

Ho notato ora... Per la Squadra Corse potevano anche usare una traduzione più seria di Babelfish...

cmq ottima notizia

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!

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