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Aston Previews V8 Vantage

Not that many years ago, Aston Martin was struggling to sell 100 cars a year. Volumes have risen to record levels lately, but the exclusive automaker is hoping for an even bigger bump with the upcoming debut of the V8 Vantage. The third car in the Ford Motor Co. subsidiary's lineup will bring Aston into the affordable range - at least if you've got the sort of money that might otherwise be spent on a Porsche 911 Turbo. To be built at the headquarters Gaydon plant, Aston CEO Ulrich Bez believes the V8 Vantage, "should help to widen our appeal and attract younger customers to our marque." The long-nosed two-seater will boast much of the same handwork as more expensive Astons, with a wide range of customizable features, including exterior and interior trim. Chassis and suspension components make extensive use of lightweight materials, including aluminum and magnesium. Those metals, along with composites, are used to build up the body. The entire vehicle measures just 4.4 meters (about 15 feet) nose-to-tail. The front-midship engine is a quad-cam, 32-valve, 4.3-liter V-8 making an estimated 380 bhp. -Paul A. Eisenstein
Guest kenzo

Molto Aston, molto elegante! Un unica cosa non capisco:sono quei lillipuziani "bacchettini" che sostengono gli specchi retrovisori? Un saluto.



Troppo bella

Chi è più criminale, chi tiranneggia il suo popolo, o chi prima finanzia il tiranno, e poi rimpiazza la dittatura con l'anarchia?

(Niall Ferguson, trad. Rita Baldassarre, Corriere Della Sera 02/01/2007)


molto bella davvero... mi sa che la maserati avrà molto da remare x fare qualcosa di meglio, ahimè. Sperem, io sarei ben indeciso, ed il fascino Aston on è indifferente rispetto a quello Maserati. solo una cosa mi rassicura, le doti dinamiche Maserati saranno sicuramente migliori. Però...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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