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Vw Golf Suv


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Dio mio, che orrore!

Per loro è tutto facile, prendono persino la carrozzeria della Golf Plus ed è tutto a posto. E poi c'è chi si lamentava delle uguaglianze tra Bravo-Brava e Marea! Qui è ancora peggio, questa Golf SUV è un obrobrio!

Vorrei tanto confrontare la fantasia di questa versione SUV della Golf con quella della Panda, per vedere chi ha vestito meglio un modello in SUV.

Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 Multijet 90 cv 5 porte Emotion. Bella rossa fiammante!!!

Mia, ti voglio tanto bene!

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Citazione:The VW "Beduin" looks a lot like a BMW X3, don't ya think? (Photo courtesy of Hans G. Lehmann)

WOLFSBURG, Germany — Volkswagen's moves into niche markets are set to accelerate in the coming years, with a range of SUVs, roadsters and crossover vehicles being lined up for launch.

One of the most significant will be this compact off-roader, designed to compete with the Toyota RAV4, BMW X3 and Land Rover Freelander. According to U.K. magazine Autocar, Volkswagen registered the name Beduin in January for worldwide use, and this is the most likely name for the car. The Beduin is a Saharan tribe, like the Touareg, the name of VW's bigger off-roader. Earlier reports had suggested the car might be called Marrakech; it is unclear if VW has registered this name.

The Beduin is part of a product offensive launched by Chairman Bernd Pischetsrieder that will also see 4x4 versions of three VW models — the Brazilian-built Fox, the Golf Plus and the Touran MPV. These will all have "Cross…" prefixes to denote their SUV status: CrossFox, CrossGolf and CrossTouran. They'll be rolled out starting in 2006, ahead of the Beduin, due in 2007.

The Beduin will have a range of four-cylinder gasoline and diesel engines, plus a range-topping 280-hp, 3.6-liter V6. It will use a specially developed platform that takes elements of both the Golf and Passat platforms, and the 4x4 system from the Golf 4Motion.

What this means to you: Another day, another niche model from Volkswagen. Given the spotty sales record of the Touareg, maybe a smaller, cheaper version will put VW more firmly in the running for SUV customers.



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sbaglio o questa macchina ha fatto un incidente?

è proprio piegato così il cofano?

«Se è vero che la vita di un essere umano è come un film, io ho avuto il privilegio di essere la comparsa, lo sceneggiatore, l'attore protagonista e il regista del mio modo di vivere.» Gilles Villeneuve.

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