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articolo di AUTOCAR magazine

The end of Ferrari as we know it?

Ferrari is pondering a product revolution and has asked four of the worlds’ most respected car design schools to come up with some radical ideas. Britain’s Coventry School of Art and Design is one of the institutes selected, along with Pasadena’s Art Centre, the European Institute of Design in Turin and the Tokyo Communication Arts School. Coventry students have already met up in the UK with Frank Stephenson, Ferrari-Maserati’s design chief.

Ferrari’s brief for the students involved poses a profound choice for the company: ‘Should Ferrari continue to develop its new products along the same lines [as the current front and mid-engine range] or can new automotive concepts…be proposed?’ Ferrari specifically excludes proposals for ‘special models’ (F50, Enzo right) but wants ideas for new types that could be added to the current line-up or even replace the existing range.


Ma perfavore e' solo uno dei soliti progetti sponsorizzati stavvolta dedicato a piu' scuole.....perforza si fa dell'advanced design nelle scuole perche se non si facesse anche li...

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