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BMW farà un MPV


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BMWs forthcoming people carrier with seven seats & suicide rear doors, allegedly called the “V3” or “RFK” (Function Space Concept). Styling in the new 1-Series flame surfacing with radical new doors, this is BMWs first ever MPV. Interior will be borrowed from the new 3-Series including the iDrive system. Also four-wheel drive, using the X3 & X5s xDrive system. A choice of 6 or 7 seat cabins will be offered, with greater luxury & individual passenger space, the rear seats can be folded flat to give optimum rear load space if necessary. Engine choices will follow the forthcoming 3-Series with top selling cars expected to have the 2.0 litre diesel or 2.2 litre petrol engines. A new 2.4 litre four-cylinder valvetronic petrol unit is also tipped to be a huge favourite. Six cylinder 2.6 litre & 3.0 petrol engines will also be offered, whilst diesel fans will be catered for with 3.0 litre & 3.5 litre V8, which debuts in the new 5-Series. Prices are expected to start at £26,000 & will take on the forthcoming Mercedes R-Class & Audi Q7. BMW promises it will be a great drivers car, with near-perfect weight distribution, while steering & handling balance will be up to the dynamic standards we have come to expect from BMW. Debut model to be shown at the 2007 Geneva Motor Show, with production to start in autumn that year.


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BMW's new people carrier project. The six-seater family machine will be based on the newly launched X3 off-roader, and will pitch the firm into all-new sales territory. Latest computer images of the small people carrier, allegedly called the “V3” or “RFK” (Function Space Concept). Styling in the new 1-Series flame surfacing, this is BMWs second model to enter the MPV market. It's being developed in response to the growth in popularity of the mini-MPV market, which has yet to welcome the still-secret B-Class from BMW's arch rival Mercedes in 2005. Interior will be borrowed from the new 1-Series including the iDrive system. Company insiders are keen to point out that while the car will go head-to-head with popular mini-MPVs such as the Renault Scenic and Vauxhall Zafira, it will also make the most of the X3's highly developed platform to deliver impressive handling, as well as secure all-wheel-drive traction. What's more, it's instantly recognisable as a BMW, thanks to the influence of controversial head of design Chris Bangle. A choice of 6-Seat cabins will be offered, with greater luxury & individual passenger space, the rear seats can be folded flat to give optimum rear load space if necessary. Engine choices will follow the forthcoming 1-Series with top selling cars expected to have the 2.0 litre diesel or 2.2 litre petrol engines. Debut model to be shown at the 2007 Geneva Motor Show, with production to start in 2008.


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Quella rossa e' chiaramente una Altea modificata

Quella grigia e' gia' piu' interessante.Puro stile Bangliano

Certo che quando la tradizionalista BMW ha scelto Bangle,ha voluto dare proprio una sterzata decisa .Chissa' se se ne e' pentita.

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Guarda che anche in tedesco la tipologia delle porte "a libro" si traduce come "porte a suicidio".

Cmq pensavo che la BMW "RKF" prende la E70 come veicolo base per due semplici motivi:

1) Costruirla a Spartanburg

2) Fare concorrenza alla W251 Mercedes (R-Klasse),,1369-1372_1635219,00.html

Forse hanno bocciato la versione crossover della X3 E83 che era previsto ad un anno dopo il restyling, che va in produzione 9/2006 ...

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1) Costruirla a Spartanburg

2) Fare concorrenza alla W251 Mercedes (R-Klasse)

End quote

anche a me risulta, visto che USA sarebbe un mercato primario e che soprattuto la capacita' produttiva di Spartamburg ad oggi e' sovradimensionata da quando hanno soppresso una linea di Z4

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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<B><SPAN style="mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt"><FONT face="Arial Rounded MT Bold" size=3>Model<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Arial Unicode MS'; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt">


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sicuramente non avrà la carrozzeria monovolume

  • Ieri: Fiat Panda 900 Young (1998) - AB Y10 II Avenue (1993) - Fiat Panda 1.2 DynamicClass (2004) - Fiat Punto Evo 1.4 GPL (2010)
  • Oggi: Ford Focus SW 1.6 Tdci 90cv (2009) e Lancia Ypsilon 1.2 (2016)
  • Ieri: Aprilia Rally II L.C. 50cc (1996) - Piaggio Vespa PX 150 (2002) - Honda Hornet 600 II (2006)
  • Oggi: Honda Hornet 600 III (2007) e Piaggio Vespa PX 150 (2000)
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