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Nuova Lexus IS 250


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The new Audi S8 has it as well. In case of the S8 the standard distribution is 40/60, but it can vary from 65/35 to 15/85. The Audi RS4 can even put 100% to 1 axle; so 100/0 to 0/100 are possible (depending on grip).I am not sure of all audi member told me but i did not find any site that shows that kind of distribution...only 40/60..

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The new Audi S8 has it as well. In case of the S8 the standard distribution is 40/60, but it can vary from 65/35 to 15/85. The Audi RS4 can even put 100% to 1 axle; so 100/0 to 0/100 are possible (depending on grip).I am not sure of all audi member told me but i did not find any site that shows that kind of distribution...only 40/60..

no that is a lie...even the version for midengined cars used by the Le Mans Quattro concept that is a supercar(and is an evolution of that used by Gallardo with the application of torsen -c differential) and will debut on the new Lamborghini Miura with a standard 40/60 can go from 70/30 to 20/ cannot have a variation bigger than 50% between the two axles with a torsen-C differential so vary from 100/0 to 0/100 is technically impossible.

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no that is a lie...even the version for midengined cars used by the Le Mans Quattro concept that is a supercar(and is an evolution of that used by Gallardo with the application of torsen -c differential) and will debut on the new Lamborghini Miura with a standard 40/60 can go from 70/30 to 20/ cannot have a variation bigger than 50% between the two axles with a torsen-C differential so vary from 100/0 to 0/100 is technically impossible.


Look the ice distribution....

The photo shows that the distribution of rs4/q7/s8 changes from standart 40/60??....So torsen C of Audi is the same as Torsen C of Q4II.

Can you understand the below....different distribution in the same condition?

Front axle in the ice

Front 3,5 times less than the rear.

Rear axle in the ice

Front 3,5 times greater than the rear.

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Taurus i found the difference....

It mainly comes down to this: the new Alfa AWD can change the distribution during acceleration,decelaration,loose grip while the new Audi AWD will only change the distribution when wheel loose grip (= slip) (as all differentials do)....when Audi loose grip it can reach 20/80 for example..but only in this case so Alfa's is still more Genius!!

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why i should proof something that is a fact, alfa is the first brand that made use of stoichiometric direct injection with alfa 156 2.0JTS back in 2002, Lexus use this technology for first time in the new generation of V6 engines like the 2.5V6 of IS250....

il primo link che ho trovato

rapporto attività toyota 1998

* In FY1998, Toyota applied the environmental management system to all new and remodeled cars that it manufactured and sold in Japan. As a result, Toyota met its goal by achieving steady performance improvements in all environmental areas.

(1) Improving Fuel Efficiency: In gasoline-powered vehicles, Toyota introduced new, light-weight, low fuel-consumption engines in the Vitz and the Vista. Use of VVT-i and D-4 direct-injection gasoline engines was aggressively expanded, and the development of a new type of automatic transmission and a new 4WD system contributed substantially to improve fuel efficiency.

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ma che c'entra apparte che parla di sviluppo e non di modello non parla nemeno di iniezione diretta stoichiometrica come quella usata da IS250...CRF dalla fine anni 80 si interessa della iniezione diretta e la prima vettura che ha montato la iniezione diretta stoichiometrica e' stata la 156 2.0JTS nel 2002!

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