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Audi TT Sport


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versione sport del TT...





More output and torque

The engine and transmission have undergone extensive changes. The 1.8-litre turbo unit now delivers 240 bhp (176 kW). The torque has been increased to 320 Newton-metres. The Coupé's road performance is very impressive: the TT quattro sport accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 5.9 seconds and achieves a top speed of 250 km/h. Extensive technical measures have been taken in response to the engine's gain in output. The transmission casing for the four-cylinder engine houses the ring gear of the six-speed gearbox adopted from the top-of-the-range TT 3.2. The bodyshell is the same as that of the 1.8T except for the rear floor, which has likewise been adopted from the TT 3.2. This has made it possible to switch the battery to the rear and thereby optimise the weight distribution.

Powerful motor, powerful propulsion: the TT quattro sport has quattro permanent four-wheel drive as standard, delivering substantially more traction and safety than its competitors. The sports coupé is in addition equipped with S line sports suspension.

Less weight

Making light work: the Audi TT quattro sport keeps a very close eye on weight – conspicuously so, in fact, and in detail too. A mere glance inside the Coupé is sufficient to confirm that its weight has been reduced. The rear bench seat has been removed, instead of which there are now a transverse brace and a net partition for securing items of luggage. Audi has replaced the sports seats with superb Recaro bucket seats that afford maximum lateral support. The TT quattro sport has shed its automatic air conditioning for the sake of weight reduction, and instead has a heating system that weighs twelve kilograms less. Customers who would like to have the air conditioning system can order it at no extra charge.


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Beh...era una versione da fare un pò di tempo fa...oramai manca un anno alla nuova TT. La linea fa sentire il peso dei suoi anni. Comunque se questa è una tamarrata lo è anche la Ypsilon Sport: a me piace sempre il piccolo sommergibile tettesco.

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Beh...era una versione da fare un pò di tempo fa...oramai manca un anno alla nuova TT. La linea fa sentire il peso dei suoi anni. Comunque se questa è una tamarrata lo è anche la Ypsilon Sport: a me piace sempre il piccolo sommergibile tettesco.

io parlavo del tetto falso-carbonio


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