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dovrebbe cominciare il 10 aprile a monza,devo controllare le date,giu per su e' quello il periodo.....televisione?su sport italia..oppure eurosport


Calendario WTCC 2005



01/05/2005-----Magny Cours









Ho sentito su SI che dovrebbero trasmetterle in diretta, speriamo sia vero

Inviato il sito è in via di completamento

FIA President Max Mosley and Angelo Codignoni, President and CEO of Eurosport, hosted a press conference in Monaco today to officially launch the new FIA World Touring Car Championship.

Max Mosley, FIA President said,

“I am delighted that after its continued success, the European Touring Car Championship has now achieved World Championship status.

The new Championship will award two World titles, the FIA World Touring Car Drivers’ Champion and the FIA World Touring Car Manufacturers’ Champion.

We welcome eight manufacturers to the new Championship - Alfa Romeo, BMW, Chervolet, Ford, and Seat as well as Honda and Peugeot. For the first time a Chinese Manufacturer, Brilliance, will compete in a World Championship.

I very much look forward to the first season which will include ten events across three Continents.

I would also take the opportunity to thank our commercial and broadcast partners KSO and Eurosport for the outstanding work they have done in developing this new World Championship.”

  • 2 settimane fa...

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