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Interno Alfa Romeo Kamal...

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Is it true that it will use GM V8 Northstar?????????

It would not be impossible for space, but actually is impossible to use the Northstar, cause Northstar V8 was excluded from the agreement between Fiat and GM, now even that agreement as you know is dead, and remain the two Joint Ventures and the collaboration in a number of floorpans.After all Alfa uses only proper petrol engines that have only the basement in common with the other brands, and there's no alfa romeo Northstar based study.The drawings of autotematic are completely wrong even a child could design better...

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Torre non è colpa tua non ti preoccupare, e solo che quando fai tanti sforzi e alcuni con 2-3 click vengono a rompere non fa piacere, sopratutto quando e fatto apposta.

Poi i sforzi non li ho fatti solo io, se fossi io ancora ancora... ma il sito vive grazie al sforzo compiuto dai redattori, moderatori in primo luogo o di persone che per ora non possono piu essere qui temporaneamente e che hanno dato molto come Velox o Aymaro.

Communque Autopareri 2.0 non è ancora terminato e le sorprese stanno per arrivare.

Dal 4 marzo 2003 la passione ci guida! Entra nella comunità con noi !

Questa Giulia non è premium....è spermium !

It would not be impossible for space, but actually is impossible to use the Northstar, cause Northstar V8 was excluded from the agreement between Fiat and GM, now even that agreement as you know is dead, and remain the two Joint Ventures and the collaboration in a number of floorpans.

and so it's not the first time that automotive news or sister magazine autoweek are wrong...they even wrote that new maserati spyder and coupe' were frozen and in their position would be produced maserati coupe' and spyder sucessors based on alfa brera with v8 engines..and the new spyder would be sold as ferrari ridiculous.....even the best magazines and newspapers even Financial Times not Autoweek...many times write ridiculous things..or cause their journalists are not based in secure source or cause they create news in order have something impressive to present....if that would be true there would be a notion in the end of alliance statement between Fiat and GM...if you remember in the past even considered that premium floorpan was that of the saab 9-3...that has an epsilon floorpan.....

Alfa need no help in order to federalize the cars...cause the new models are build to respect US standards(after all actual european standards maybe are more severe than US in many voices...)

Maserati new folding top Spyder and coupe' are based on the Maserati M139 floorpan so they are wrong even in that, the future Maserati GT Wagon will be based on the premium.

and so it's not the first time that automotive news or sister magazine autoweek are wrong...they even wrote that new maserati spyder and coupe' were frozen and in their position would be produced maserati coupe' and spyder sucessors based on alfa brera with v8 engines..and the new spyder would be sold as ferrari ridiculous.....even the best magazines and newspapers even Financial Times not Autoweek...many times write ridiculous things..or cause their journalists are not based in secure source or cause they create news in order have something impressive to present....if that would be true there would be a notion in the end of alliance statement between Fiat and GM...if you remember in the past even considered that premium floorpan was that of the saab 9-3...that has an epsilon floorpan.....

Alfa need no help in order to federalize the cars...cause the new models are build to respect US standards(after all actual european standards maybe are more severe than US in many voices...)

Maserati new folding top Spyder and coupe' are based on the Maserati M139 floorpan so they are wrong even in that, the future Maserati GT Wagon will be based on the premium.

Scusa.. sul serio la GT Wagon sarà basato sul Premium e non sul M139? Questa la trovo una soluzione logica, risparmiosa.. Quindi Torsen-C per la Maserati dopo aver abbandonato l'accordo con Audi?

Facciamo un favore a questo mondo... Meno SUV, più 4C e Lotus...


the future Maserati GT Wagon will be based on the premium.

Questa, almeno per me, è una novità.

Una delle prime decisioni del gruppo Alfa-Maserati?

"Bene non va, comunque non mi fermo".

( Tazio Nuvolari )


ma quel personaggio cammina ancora??

Leo che piacere vederti sconfinare... ;)

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"


Con il prezzo che ha costato tanto vale utilizzarlo ;-)

Dal 4 marzo 2003 la passione ci guida! Entra nella comunità con noi !

Questa Giulia non è premium....è spermium !


del resto se Maserati vuole conquistarsi nuove e redditizie fette di mercato è una saggia decisione, il Premium è un ecellente pianale...grazie all'opera di bandiera

la Bibbia del nuovo Alfista: Per il futuro dell'Alfa Romeo è meglio un pianale più economico che poi tanto l'elettronica e le gommature esagerate risolvono i problemi - -

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