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Nuovo V6 2.8 Turbo per Saab da GM


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GM announces new turbocharged 2.8 litre V-6 engine

Detroit, Michigan - General Motors announced a new 2.8 litre turbocharged V6 engine, the third variant of their global V-6 family. Engineers from GM Powertrain in North America and FGP - the Europe-based Fiat-General Motors Powertrain consortium - as well as Australian-based Holden collaborated on the development.

The 2.8L V-6 Turbo debuts in the Aero models of the all-new Saab 9-3 SportCombi, Sport Sedan and Convertible. Technology such as a twin-scroll turbocharger and variable intake valve timing helps the 2.8L V-6 Turbo achieve 250 horsepower and 258 lb.-ft. of torque in the 9-3.

"The 2.8L V-6 Turbo has a strong, linear feel that gives the impression of a larger-displacement engine," said Tim Cyrus, global V-6 chief engineer. "The feeling of power is tremendous, but so is the smoothness and refinement built into the engine."

The global V-6 engine family also includes a 2.8L V-6 VVT normally aspirated version which debuted in the 2005 Cadillac CTS, as well as a 3.6L V-6 VVT version that also is available in the CTS. The 3.6L V-6 VVT also is available in the 2005 Cadillac STS and SRX, as well as the Buick Rendezvous and LaCrosse. It is available under the Alloytec brand name in the 2005 Holden Commodore, Calais, Berlina short wheelbase, Statesman and Caprice long wheelbase, Ute, Cab Chassis and Crewman. All use variable valve timing for optimal performance and emissions control.

The 2.8L V-6 Turbo is built at Holden's Port Melbourne, Australia facility, along with 3.6L variants of the global V-6.

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una cosa inteligente (finalmente direi) far debuttare questi motori dapprima sulle Alfa e poi "passarli" alle sorelle Fiat e Lancia.

la Bibbia del nuovo Alfista: Per il futuro dell'Alfa Romeo è meglio un pianale più economico che poi tanto l'elettronica e le gommature esagerate risolvono i problemi - -

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