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Hanno testato la Lexus GS300, riporto da

Lexus GS300 Adult occupant rating yellow_star.gifyellow_star.gifyellow_star.gifyellow_star.gifyellow_star.gif

Pedestrian rating green_star2.gifgreen_star2.gifwhite_star.gifwhite_star.gif Child Protection rating light_blue_star.giflight_blue_star.giflight_blue_star.giflight_blue_star.gifwhite_star.gif Test Scores: Front 15 (94%) Side 18 (100%) Belt Reminder 2 Overall 35 Pedestrian 18 (50%) Child Protection 41 (84%)


Euro NCAP allowed a re-test of this car after a rear door came open during the side impact. Toyota made changes to the car and the GS300 then performed soundly, gaining full marks in the side impact and a high score in the frontal impact test.

Its body proved to be extremely strong, suffering minimal deformation in the frontal impact and safeguarding its adult occupants. The protection offered to child occupants was also very good while that for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users was judged to be fairly good.

Impact Protection


Driver Front ImpactPassenger Front ImpactDriver Side ImpactFrontal Impact The body shell suffered minimal deformation. The dual stage airbags and pre-tensioners with the load limiters and the stable structure worked well, keeping loads on the driver's and passenger's chest and legs low.

There had been much design effort to protect the driver's and passenger's knees and upper legs and the knee airbags worked well. Foam padding protected the driver's feet. However, there was some floorpan distortion in the driver's footwell which extended over the centre tunnel.

Side Impact A very impressive protection system included seat mounted thorax airbags and a head curtain airbag, which also safeguards those sat in the rear. The GS300 achieved maximum points in this section.

Child Protection The passenger frontal airbag has an on/off switch sited inside the glove box. Its presence is indicated by a non-permanent pictogram and text label on the end of the passenger fascia. The 'on' or 'off' status of the airbag is displayed on the centre console.

The restraint used by the older child was a Lexus-branded Britax Romer Duo Plus, fitted forward-facing using ISOFIX anchorages and a top tether.

The restraint used by the younger child was a Lexus-branded Britax Romer Baby Safe, fitted rearward-facing using the car's adult belt. Both children were well protected during all the tests.

Pedestrian Protection Cushioning provided for the areas where a child's head and to a lesser extent an adult's head might strike was reasonably good.

The car's bumper provided areas of compliance but less so for the bumper leading edge.

The overall rating was just below that required for the three star rating. A good effort.

Model History & Safety Equipment The latest GS300 features dual frontal airbags, knee airbags for front occupants, side airbags (thorax and pelvis), head-protecting airbag (curtain), pre-tensioners and load limiters for front and outer rear belts, ISOFIX anchorages and top tethers to rear outer seats, belt reminders for front occupants, ABS, ESP, BA, EBD, TRC and VSC. Options include an advanced pre-crash system (PCS) and adaptive cruise control (ACC).

Make, model and hand of driveLexus GS300 RHDBody typeExecutive carModel year2005Kerb weight1630 kgVIN and date when rating appliesJTHBH96S105005367 & JTHBN96S705002367Cars built on the same platformnone

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