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Motori benzina Fiat.... facciamo la situazione!

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i don't know whay fiat is developing...... but the 1.8MPI is not direct..... only the 2.2 155cv il direct! Olso che Croma's 2.2 147cv is still indirect.

The 2.4MJ will not be utilized by Opel....

I'm hoping that with the UNIAIR fiat will develop a total new engine from 1.6 to 2.5l........ or utilize a depotenzied Alfa engine.

I am thinking that Fiat is cooperating with opel for reducing costs.Thats why they will use Gm blocks for alfa's petrol range.

Can you explain me the difference between Jts and Mpi?Jts is Stoichiometric direct system and Mpi is just direct.The injectors work directly in the combustion chamber.Where did you read that Mpi is Indirect?

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I am thinking that Fiat is cooperating with opel for reducing costs.Thats why they will use Gm blocks for alfa's petrol range.

Can you explain me the difference between Jts and Mpi?Jts is Stoichiometric direct system and Mpi is just direct.The injectors work directly in the combustion chamber.Where did you read that Mpi is Indirect?

MPI isn't direct..... it's just the name of che Fiat petrol engine....... like ecotec

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MPI isn't direct..... it's just the name of che Fiat petrol engine....... like ecotec
Ok,but i thought that the name for fiat engines is Fire......
Ok,but i thought that the name for fiat engines is Fire......

The smaller engines (up to 1.4 l) are Fire engines, and are still in use. Fiat/Alfa/Lancia engines from 1.6l to 2.4l (4 and 5 cylinders) are so-called "Super Fire" engines, and it is these engines that are now dumped in favour of GM engines and GM-derived engines, it seems. :(((

Ok,but i thought that the name for fiat engines is Fire......

Fire is a family of Fiat engine ...... like "Pratola Serra".....

The Fire is only the 1.1 1.2 and 1.4...... the first Fire born in the 1985.

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The smaller engines (up to 1.4 l) are Fire engines, and are still in use. Fiat/Alfa/Lancia engines from 1.6 to 2.4 (4 and 5 cylinders) are so-called "Super Fire" engines, and it is these engines that are now dumped in favour of GM engines and GM-derived engines, it seems. :(((

The 1.6 is an old engine from che 131...... the 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 are the PRATOLA SERRA engine.....

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it comes form the 128..... the alfa 1.6 isn't the TORQUE.... i don't know what kind of engine is.....

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Just a minute... PRATOLA SERRA is called the old block made of cast-iron that so many years has been used by twin spark engines and the traditional V6-arese.

I have read that the diesel engines that are given to opel like 1.3 and 1.9 have lower that true?Will sth similar will happen with petrol engines?

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