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Motore diesel rotativo




Questo è il nuovo motore che potrebbe soppiantare in svariate applicazioni i motori a pistoni grazie a un'efficienza maggiore, minor peso e minor rumore...anche sulle automobili ibride; è una novità?

LAS VEGAS--May 9, 2005--Money Show, 2005/Booth 111--The Rand Cam rotary engine is reported to be lighter, more efficient, and quieter than a traditional engine, the Rand Cam rotary engine produces three times more power per pound of weight than the piston engines that dominate today's market.

Positioning itself to provide engineering solutions to modern day industries and consumers, REGI US (OTCBB:RGUS) and Reg Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:REGRF) has recently announced the successful testing of their patented Rand Cam rotary engine. The streamlined, four-stroke engine creates continuous injection and combustion in a single chamber, powered by just two types of moving parts (the vanes and the rotor). Because of the simplicity of the engine's design, the Rand Cam is able to generate 24 cylinder firings per rotation and provide continuous power that is vibration-free and extremely quiet.

Traditional combustion engines require separate chambers for intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust, and even a simple four-cylinder piston engine is comprised of 40 different moving parts. The complexities of these engines make maintenance time-consuming, and their wearable surfaces often require replacement after a relatively short period of time. But the Rand Cam operates with a simplified design and minimal moving parts, reducing the need for maintenance and improving the engine's overall efficiency.

Military and Commercial Applications

The Rand Cam engine is currently undergoing production model development for possible use in military spy planes, largely because of its compact, efficient, and ultra-quiet design (at 1,500 feet the Rand Cam engine emitted only 60 dB). Alexandria, VA- based Radian Milparts, Inc. has already built a 42 H.P. diesel Rand Cam engine for use in unmanned military vehicles, and the engine is currently undergoing tests by REGI- Rotary Engine Specialists in Richmond, British Columbia.

In addition to the interest among members of the US defense community, the Rand Cam engine offers many possible commercial applications as well. REGI US has already built an air conditioning compressor for use in commercial transportation vehicles, sparking interest from the Trans Air Manufacturing Corporation, a PA-based company that provides climate control systems for buses. The company is currently testing the Rand Cam for baseline speed, performance, and air consumption prior to installing a working prototype as a compressor for a bus air conditioning system. In addition, Rand Cam motors can be used in the nautical community, powering yachts and other boats in place of traditional combustion engines.

The Rand Cam engine can also be used as a generator, running on propane or natural gas and providing a backup power source for residential markets where power outages are frequent, or carry health or safety concerns. Generators powered by Rand Cam engines run on propane or natural gas and produce enough power for the average family home, all the while maintaining their compact portability (a Rand Cam- fueled generator is approximately the size of a microwave oven) and quiet efficiency.

One of the most anticipated uses for the new technology is among the blossoming hydrogen-powered automobile industry. The development of the Rand Cam engine has sparked considerable interest among environmentalists and eco-friendly manufacturers because of its ability to operate using a clean-burning hydrogen fuel cell. "Hybrid electric vehicles and engines that run using cleaner-burning fuels such as hydrogen, propane and natural gas are the future of the automotive industry," said John Robertson, CEO of Reg Technologies and its US subsidiary, REGI US. "Our society has recognized the benefits of exploring hydrogen-based technologies, and we are happy to be contributing towards the development of more sophisticated engines that operate using hydrogen and other clean burning fuels."


REGI U.S., INC., which has the U.S. rights, is partially owned by Reg Technologies, Inc., which owns the balance of the worldwide rights to the Rand Cam rotary technology.

More information about REGI US and its Rand Cam rotary engine can be found at


8 risposte a questa domanda

Messaggi Raccomandati:

  • 0

mah guarda.....esistono tanti e tanti brevetti x motori alternativi........anche ben + efficienti di quelli attuali a pistoni,però gira e rigira siamo sempre allo stesso punto



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Comunque tutte applicazioni a regimi di giri costanti o quasi, quindi inadatti all'automotive ( se non ibrida )

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

  • 0
sono sorpreso che Autodelta85 sia favorevole a un ulteriore sviluppo dei motori diesel, da lui tanto e tanto odiati. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Se ti sente ti piglia a calci nel culo! :mrgreen:

There's no replacement for displacement.


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