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Mazda 3 MPS


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La mazda com'è come telaio e sospensioni?

E' confrontabile con 147?

Come geometria non è all'altezza (anche se molta un pregevole multilink dietro, migliore ad es. del ponte rigido della Stilo), ma la realizzazione e la messa a punto sono piuttosto buone. Non avendola provata, non mi risulta di aver mai sentito critiche sul comportamento stradale della Mazda3.

Chi è più criminale, chi tiranneggia il suo popolo, o chi prima finanzia il tiranno, e poi rimpiazza la dittatura con l'anarchia?

(Niall Ferguson, trad. Rita Baldassarre, Corriere Della Sera 02/01/2007)

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Mazda engineers have been spotted around Germany 's Nürburgring race track with an enhanced version of their Mazda3 - an early prototype for the MazdaSpeed3. It appears that this prototype has a larger, more aggressive exhaust tip, but the real story is found up front.


The large makeshift hood scoop is clear proof that something special has been added to the engine - most likely a turbocharger given the recently turbocharged MazdaSpeed6. The MazdaSpeed6 turbocharges the 2.3-liter four-cylinder, resulting in 274 hp and 280 lb-ft of torque, which necessitated a switch to an AWD drivetrain. Given its place in Mazda's pecking order, it would seem likely that this Mazda3 prototype has a turbocharged version of the 2.0-liter engine, putting horsepower at somewhere near the 235 range. With such power levels, a MazdaSpeed3 version would obviously benefit from all- wheel traction, but could also conceivably remain a front-driver.


We expect that more advanced MazdaSpeed3 prototypes will display revised sheetmetal, with a more aggressive front fascia and a properly integrated hood bulge to accommodate the turbocharger

da autoscoops


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Porco cane, cominciamo a parlare di 275cv e di trazione integrale.

Aggiungeteci un assetto sportivo fatto bene come i jap sanno fare e delle sospensioni sicuramente valide...

La vedo brutta per 147GTA. Bruttissima.

Chi è più criminale, chi tiranneggia il suo popolo, o chi prima finanzia il tiranno, e poi rimpiazza la dittatura con l'anarchia?

(Niall Ferguson, trad. Rita Baldassarre, Corriere Della Sera 02/01/2007)

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Si ma turbo, dimensioni e TI peserà quanto un'Ariete.........e costerà quasi uguale

A quel punto mi butto a pesce su Impreza


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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  • 8 mesi fa...



The flagship of the Mazda3 range, the all-new Mazda3 MPS, will give sports-minded customers a double dose of Zoom-Zoom driving fun. Mazda3 MPS is the second model in the Mazda Performance Series, following the Mazda6 MPS launched in Europe a month ago. The car will be called Mazdaspeed Axela in Japan, Mazdaspeed3 in North America and, in other key regions including Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Mazda3 MPS.

Mazda looked to embody the three distinct attributes with the new vehicle: Driving Fun, Ownership Delight and Everyday User-Friendly Convenience. With its compact, lightweight body and substantial power generated by its 2.3L MZR DISI TURBO petrol engine, Mazda3 MPS is one of the most powerful high-performance sports compacts with front-wheel drive (FWD) on the road today.

The car's styling pursues a look of strength and solidity in a design that conveys its unmatched dynamic performance at a glance. Mazda3 MPS reflects Mazda's intention to continue delivering Zoom-Zoom in all its products.

da carscoop.blogspot


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