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Fiat 199 - FOTO SCOOP a pg.75!!

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fiaT Tuono è un brutto incastro... quasi quanto fiaT Tempra o fiaT Tipo.

Però il nome sarebbe bello... da "Aoh, spacco tutto!" :lol:

Però mi sa che al 80% è Punto... ma c'è sempre il 20% :D

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!


How much bhp does the petrol 1.6 litre Turbo have?

Will the 120 bhp 1.6 Multiair be offered straight away as well? I have heard that there may be a delay before these engines are fitted?

How much bhp does the petrol 1.6 litre Turbo have?

Will the 120 bhp 1.6 Multiair be offered straight away as well? I have heard that there may be a delay before these engines are fitted?

Yes, I am :D

How much bhp does the petrol 1.6 litre Turbo have?

Will the 120 bhp 1.6 Multiair be offered straight away as well? I have heard that there may be a delay before these engines are fitted?

Ciao e buona giornata


I heard rumors on the 1.6 turbo: thw bhp are in the range of 160. Unfortunately dealys are to be expected.

I've heard of about 175-180bhp for this 1.6 turbo

FIAT : Fabbrica Italiana Alta Tecnologia

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