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Bravi FLM e AlfaMontecarlo!

Finalmente qualcuno che sa giocare a caccia al tesoro ;)

Ehm grazie grazie modestamente!!! ok ok stop agli applausi .. Grazie ancora!..


Alfa c'è Alfa c'è Alfa c'èèè!!

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Porca Pupazza!!

ma questa l'avete vista??


Derived from the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione, the 8C Spider is purely and essentially a thoroughbred sports car in the traditional Alfa Romeo spirit; it offers sophisticated engineering, a sporty yet elegant shape, and strictly two-seat accommodation.

Created at the Centro Stile Alfa Romeo, the 8C Spider expresses all that is most precious in the company’s heritage.

The low and aggressive front or the face of the car is characterised by the classical Alfa Romeo triptych—the central triangular “scudetto” flanked by horizontal “moustaches.” The lateral view of the car underscores its compactness and its classical mechanical layout, with longitudinally, front-mounted engine and rear-wheel-drive. The car is sure-footed on its prominent wheels, placed in the four corners. The “coda tronca” short tail with generous round taillights, typical for an Italian sports car, adds to the purposeful, dynamic image of the 8C Spider.

The interior design reflects the same philosophy; the cockpit’s non-compromised ergonomics, style, and choice of materials concentrate on one goal only: the ultimate driving pleasur

Sbav Sbav

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Scusate, ma io non ho capito una cosa. Questo prototipo è un altro pezzo della serie "siamo dei grandi a fare macchine SOLO da salone" oppure sta ad indicare uno sviluppo di 8C?


8c sia chiusa che aperta sara' in vendita entro 2007, nel 2007 alfa romeo ritorna ufficialmente negli USA.Questo e' il motivo della presenza in grande stile di alfa romeo a pebble beach quest'anno....ed e' la prima presenza ufficiale di alfa romeo negli stati uniti dopo oltre un decennio....




Twenty-seven historic Alfa Romeos from outside the U.S.

will make the trip to California’s Monterey Coastline

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (July 27, 2005) – When Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance

organizers announced last year that Alfa Romeo would be a featured marque at their 2005 show, they hoped to attract a sizable assortment of vehicles from the 95-year history of the Italian automaker. Their expectations have been greatly exceeded.

The Sunday, Aug. 21 Concours will feature “the most significant display of classic Alfa

Romeos ever assembled--anywhere,” says Concours Co-Chairman Glenn Mounger.

“Among the 62 Alfa Romeos coming to Pebble Beach, there’ll be seven cars from the

Alfa Romeo Museum (outside Milan, Italy) as well as three of the ultra-imaginative BAT

(Berlinetta Aerodinamica Tecnica) concept cars from the ‘50s.”

Overall, 27 of the 62 Alfa Romeos participating at the Concours are being shipped from

foreign countries, including the BAT 5, BAT 7 and BAT 9, which now reside in London,

England.“The first BAT (5) was built in 1953, when most other carmakers had never even imagined tailfins and long before there was a Batmobile on television,” says Mounger.“The BAT 7, built in 1954, was even more radical in design with huge curved tailfins.And the final BAT – the BAT 9 – was built in 1955 with reduced wings and a design that was closer to a production sports car.“We’re looking forward to an historic reunion of these incredible cars. The last time they appeared together anywhere in the U.S. was the 1989 Pebble Beach Concours.”There will be a total of 228 vintage vehicles participating at the 2005 Concours, lining the fairway of the 18th hole at the Pebble Beach Golf Links® from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.First conducted in 1950, the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance is an international gathering for “a celebration of the automobile” at The Lodge at Pebble Beach™ on the Monterey Peninsula. The Concours combines a scenic location along the Pacific Ocean with the opportunity to view rarely seen examples of automotive style, performance and history. The 55th annual affair also includes the Thursday, Aug. 18 Pebble Beach Tour Alfa Romeos on the lawn

d’Elegance around the Monterey Peninsula for Concours entries, and the Sunday evening Pebble Beach Auction conducted by Gooding & Company that showcases classic,vintage and antique cars. For 2005, the Pebble Beach Motoring Classic debuts, a nineday program giving current and former Concours participants the opportunity to drive their historic collectables from Seattle to Pebble Beach. RetroAuto, Pebble Beach’s new 13,000 square-foot shopping display celebrating the automotive lifestyle, will also debut.

Proceeds from the Aug. 21, 2005 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance support a number

of local, national and international charities.


Non so dove partire in vacanza...quasi quasi vado a Pebble Beach :-)

Si puo dunque ipotizzare che per fine anno prossimo le 2 auto saranno pronte...sarebbe il massimo, affiancate da Brera e 159 e magari da una bella 169 e da una Kamal, il ritorno negli USA sarà grandioso.

Taurus...per ricordarti di quel post nel forum Alfa Romeo...(spiegare perche Alfa è il marchio piu prestigioso)

Dal 4 marzo 2003 la passione ci guida! Entra nella comunità con noi !

Questa Giulia non è premium....è spermium !

Non so dove partire in vacanza...quasi quasi vado a Pebble Beach :-)

Si puo dunque ipotizzare che per fine anno prossimo le 2 auto saranno pronte...sarebbe il massimo, affiancate da Brera e 159 e magari da una bella 169 e da una Kamal, il ritorno negli USA sarà grandioso.

Taurus...per ricordarti di quel post nel forum Alfa Romeo...(spiegare perche Alfa è il marchio piu prestigioso)


Alfa Romeo

75th Anniversary of Pininfarina designs

- 100th Anniversary of Delage

- Historic Hot Rods

- Annual Concept Car Display on Upper Lawn

- Eighth Annual Tour d'Elegance


August 21, 2005

Event is open to the public

from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm


The Lodge at the Pebble Beach, on the 18th fairway adjacent to the Pacific Coastline. Take Highway One to the Monterey Peninsula. Follow "Pebble Beach Concours" signs to 17-Mile Drive in Pebble Beach, CA.


Advanced ticket purchase is highly recommended. A ticket includes a program, parking, and shuttle ride to show field.

Advanced ticket price - $125. Please call United Way Toll Free at 877.693.0009 for ticket purchase information. Ticket price on day of show - $150.

8c sia chiusa che aperta sara' in vendita entro 2007, nel 2007 alfa romeo ritorna ufficialmente negli USA.Questo e' il motivo della presenza in grande stile di alfa romeo a pebble beach quest'anno....ed e' la prima presenza ufficiale di alfa romeo negli stati uniti dopo oltre un decennio....

OK, memorizziamo bene questo post #255 (a firma di Taurus), che direi FONDAMENTALE per tutto quanto riguarda la 8C ed il suo futuro (e non solo!). Dopo mesi e mesi di voci, smentite, affermazioni e negazioni, questa forse è veramente l'UNICA notizia che tutti noi appassionati italiofili volevamo sentire da fonti certe! Un solo commento... ERA ORA!!!

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