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Ecco il test della Volkswagen Passat

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Pole test

Volkswagen Passat Adult occupant rating yellow_star.gifyellow_star.gifyellow_star.gifyellow_star.gifyellow_star.gif

Pedestrian rating green_star2.gifgreen_star2.gifwhite_star.gifwhite_star.gif

Child Protection rating light_blue_star.giflight_blue_star.giflight_blue_star.giflight_blue_star.gifwhite_star.gif

Test Scores: Front 14 (88%) Side 18 (100%) Belt Reminder 2 Overall 34 Pedestrian 17 (47%) Child Protection 38 (78%)


The Passat achieved a five star adult occupant safety rating. Euro NCAP allowed a re-run of the pole test following changes to the car’s curtain airbag and roof lining to optimize its functionality. Its body proved to be extremely strong, suffering minimal deformation in the frontal impact and protecting its adult occupants well. The car’s ability to protect child occupants was a little mixed, with high chest loads recorded by the instrumentation in the older child in the frontal impact. Overall, the protection offered to pedestrians and other vulnerable road users was judged to be reasonably good with 17 points out of 36 being scored.

Impact Protection


Driver Front ImpactPassenger Front ImpactDriver Side ImpactFrontal Impact The body suffered minimal deformation and, with dual stage frontal airbags, belt pre-tensioners and load limiters, helped control and limit the forward movement of adult occupants. These devices, and the stable structure worked well, keeping the loads on the driver’s and passenger’s chest and legs low. However, the driver risked leg injuries from contact with the steering column. The footwell suffered little deformation or intrusion and control of the foot pedals was good.

Side Impact An impressive side impact protection system included seat mounted thorax airbags and a head curtain airbag, which also protects those seated in the rear. The Passat gained a maximum score in this section of the tests.

Child Protection The passenger frontal airbag has an on/off inside the glove box. A permanent text label is next to it, while the airbag’s status is shown on the centre console’s info screen. The older child sat in a forward facing VW branded Britax Romer Duo Plus, which was installed in the car using the ISOFIX anchorages and top tether. The older child dummy’s chest instrumentation recorded high loads in the frontal impact. The younger child used a rear facing VW branded Britax Romer Baby Safe Plus fitted using ISOFIX anchorages and a support leg. This protected well throughout.

Pedestrian Protection Protection was reasonable. The bumper met test requirements and the bonnet top cushioned where a child’s head might strike it. It also protected adult heads, though not so well. However the bonnet’s front edge gave no measurable protection.

Model History & Safety Equipment The latest Passat features dual frontal airbags, side airbags, head-protecting airbag (curtain), pre-tensioners for front belts and load limiters for front and outer rear belts, ISOFIX anchorages and top tethers to rear outer seats, belt reminders for front occupants, crash-active head restraints on front seats, ABS and ESP.

Make, model and hand of drive Volkswagen Passat 1.9 PD Trendline LHD

Body type large family car

Model year 2005

Kerb weight 1447 kg

VIN and date when rating applies WVWZZZ3CZ6E035000, WVWZZZ3CZ6P17000

Cars built on the same platform none icon_confused.gif

NO, questo non è il test.

Questo è il RETEST della Passat dopo modifiche alla scocca e gli airbag!

Perfetto... :roll:

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!

Cioe era gia stata testata e non erano soddisfatti?

Die Top-Bewertung des neuen Passat, der sich nach Änderungen am Vorhangairbag und im Dachbereich in diesem Nachtest zum zweiten Mal der Crashprozedur stellte, setzt sich aus 14 Punkten (88 Prozent) bei Frontalcrash, 18 Punkten (100 Prozent) beim Seitencrash plus zwei Punkte für die Anschnallerinnerung zusammen.

zweiten Mal = seconda volta

Almeno sono arrivati a 5 stelline con le modifiche ...


A proposito, non si sa più nulla del re-test Stilo?

se non ci sono state delle modifiche sarebbe inutile di testarla, no?

almeno credo che non hanno fatto niente ...

Cmq per ritornare IT: Mi sembra che sta diventando di moda di fare dei retest


Non è che sia moda: è perfettamente lecito, e pure corretto.

Ancora una volta, vi rimando a questo topic, dove penso di aver esposto chiaramente i meccanismi di €ncap... se avete domande ci vediamo lì ;)

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!

Guest mc0676

Concordo con Wilhem,

preferireste un test rifatto ed avere la certezza che le modifiche sono state effettuate oppure rimanere nel dubbio cosi come successo con la 147 per la quale uno potrebbe pensare benissimo che non sono stati volutamente ripetute per evidenti carenze strutturali ?

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