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intrevista al capo dei motori Ferrari /Maserati


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Si chiama Jean-Jacques His, (director of engine department and transmission for Ferrari/ Maserati road cars) é statto il responsabile per il Ferrari F1 1.5 litre V6 Turbo 1987 / 1988 poi è andatto a la Renault per fare il V10 F1 e adesso ...

Q: What did you work on when you joined the firm early 2003?

A: straight on the F430, all the data was already settled and I just made sure the reliability would be good. This V8 is close to 500hp but it has huge potential, we can push it much further in the future.

Q: This car is 90 hp more than the 360, where will it stop?

A: Frankly, no idea, we don't want to make the most powerful cars, we want to make the most balanced. Our new philosophy is that we make GT cars that must be fast indeed, but mostly balanced and easy to drive, on open roads and track.

Q: Isn't there an antinomy between ease of driving and mecanical potential?

A: I do not think so. Road going Ferrari's first quality is balance. The F1 that wins is not necessarily the most powerful but the one that makes it easiest to exploit the horses. Same for our road cars. We are not obssessed by performance.

Q: Is a Diesel Ferrari unconceivable?

A: No, we have no prejudice. If it makes sense, why not. For now, it does not.

Q: More seriously, what would power a Ferrari other than petrol?

A: Hydrogen, but the distribution network is not ready.

Q: Has Ferrari recruited you with regards to your F1 experience?

A: Ferrari does not need me to conceive F1 engines, but my 30 years experience certainly helped.

Q: What distinguishes F1 world to road cars world?

A: Decision mechanism. When you put a road car into a client's hand, you cannot take risks. It's the opposite with a race car.

People should not tell fancy stories, road Ferrari and F1 Ferrari have no parts in common, even the Enzo. It would be ridiculous. However, our F1 and our road cars benefit from the same knowledge, they are both conceived here, in Maranello.

Q: Who inspires you?

A: Giocchino Colombo and Aurelio Lampredi, two ferrari motorists from the 50s. And more recently, Colin Chapman, he had a rational conception of automobiles, almost instinctive. Lotus' efficiency was a result of their lightness.

Q: A word on the difference between Ferrari and Maserati?

A: to put it simply, Ferrari is sport and Maserati is more GT.

Q: The car of your dreams?

A: The one outside my window, my F430. Sorry for not being modest, but it is more accessible than an Enzo. In fact, I was always interested in beautiful cars, Ferraris in particular, but also Alfa Romeo from pre war, Bugatti or Hispano.

Q: How would you define automotive pleasure?

A: A mix of emotions. Precisely the ones I feel with my F430: An exceptional engine and the feeling to be a great pilot even though it's not true.

It's the pleasure to feel the adrenalin pumping without having to take risks. The Americans have demonstrated it since a long time: in a world of constraints, there is always place for dreams and pleasure. Even at 60 kmh, on a simple acceleration, a Ferrari gives you plenty of extraordinary feelings.

Q: After Ferrari

A: Ferrari. Like Enzo said: the best Ferrari is the next one!

Como potetti vedere sembra una intrevista moooolto interessante , io o cercato questa revista mah non lo trovata, lo so che si vende in Francia eh Belgica, forse anche Svizzera nella parte francesa, se qualcuno la poteva conprare eh fare un scan della entrevista completa i Ferraristi ringraziano ! :)

La revista si chiama Driven (versione francesa) primavera 2005.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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A: Giocchino Colombo and Aurelio Lampredi, two ferrari motorists from the 50s. And more recently, Colin Chapman, he had a rational conception of automobiles, almost instinctive. Lotus' efficiency was a result of their lightness.

Quest'uomo è un genio



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