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BMW's V10 M5 supersaloon takes on the Ferari F430 - and wins!

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... anche ho pensato che hanno provato la 430 in modaliat ICE... pero uno deve essere oh schemo o non a intenzioni di fare un test comparativo ...

Non avendo provata nessuna delle due ...lo stesso mi sembra molto strano che una berlina familiar con piu di 2oookg possa avere un migliore comportamento che una machina sportiva ,coupe,con motore central con suspensioni sportive,piu bassa, probabilmente piu rigida, piu leggera eh con un difirencial eletrónico che é una mereviglia della tecnologia.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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E' chiaramente un articolo Scoop di quelli che si fanno per vendere...

Tanto nessuno "deciderà" che auto prendere in base a questa prova... :) Le 2 auto non sono alternative. Probabilmente chi ha la F430 ha anche un M5 per andare a fare la spesa tutti i giorni... :lol:


  • 4 settimane fa...

beh se lo dice Clarkson ...

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

beh se lo dice Clarkson ...

In the past he told....

Clarkson's given his GT back to Ford.....

"I then did something the man at Ford wasn’t expecting. I asked for my money back.

And that, the next day, is what happened.

They put £126,000 in my account and sent a man to pick up the car. “Is it the alarm system?” he said. “They all do that.”

So there we are. A 35-year dream. A two-year wait. Ten years of damn hard work. And what do I get? The most miserable month’s motoring it is possible to imagine. "

Well July's Top Gear magazine, (p134) Jeremy says

"this month my long awaited and much delayed Ford GT arrived in Britain which would ordinarily be a cause for much whooping and celebration. But, unfortunately I went to see it just 24 hours after I drove Ferrari's new F430 which is undoubtedly the best car ever made"


Sakis, read the third paragraf form the end... where he talks about the 430.

Some months ago i have seen the M5 tested by the german channel Dsf, and one could see, just by the way the M5 could be driven, that it is a extrem machine ! But i never expected being so heavy that it could beat a sports car like the 430. The height is not so important after all...

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

Sakis, read the third paragraf form the end... where he talks about the 430.

Some months ago i have seen the M5 tested by the german channel Dsf, and one could see, just by the way the M5 could be driven, that it is a extrem machine ! But i never expected being so heavy that it could beat a sports car like the 430. The height is not so important after all...

You mean the foolish comment he makes...?

''The height is not so important after all''

I cannot understand what happened to clarkson to say that M5 is better than 430 but i know that he loves alfa romeo's-ferraris.....

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