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I mean somebody who has seen the engine mapping (ECU).,GGLD:2004-12,GGLD:de&sa=N&tab=wi

Modifiying them means strengthening the rod in order to have less mechanical stress at the same rev level.

Where can you see the fuel cut-off in that instrument? Please read what I said about the difference and please don't compare petrol engines with diesel engines: cut-off is not equal to the rev mark the engine was engineered for, neither is that equal to the pmax-level.

Thank you for your information...I know what is transports the reciprocation between the crankshaft and the piston.So by strengthening the rod they can reduce the power loss in high revs and after 4000rpm.Am i right?


I have read that smg has the same hardware as selespeed taken from magneti marelli but with faster that true?

Will ecosift be better than smg?


Grande video! Voglio almeno 6 stelle per quest'auto... che ci diano indietro quella che ci hanno fottuto su Panda! :D

There's no replacement for displacement.


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