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Allow me to answer its not true!!! The vtec was used in F1 by Honda and then used in toad cars and bikes, same thing with the PGM-F1... anyway Fiat does not need the Vtec because the Uniair is going to revoluzionize the engines.

what is PGM-F1?

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My information says that the first car with Variable Valve Timing was in 1979- 2000cc 4kylinder alfa romeo(?)

Yes. for the usa in the 80' years. The spider used variable valve on- off centrifug, not elettronic

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

Allow me to answer its not true!!! The vtec was used in F1 by Honda and then used in toad cars and bikes, same thing with the PGM-F1... anyway Fiat does not need the Vtec because the Uniair is going to revoluzionize the engines.

If you allow me to precise Uniair...

The variable valve opening will regulate the amount of air that will get into the cylinder. On "conventional" petrol engines this is regulated by a butterfly valve (thus regulating the throttle). There is no butterfly on UNIAIR engines any more... It's an impressive system, and I agree it's a revolution !


147 M-Jet & 159 Q4 (nero, pelle rosso)...


Even valvetronic does not have throttle.....the difference is that uniair has fully electronic management and valvetronic-vtec is hydraulic.

Alfa did not invent VTEC specifically. But they developed and patented Variable Valve Timing on the inlet camshaft for production cars, which first debuted in the Model Year 1980 Alfa Spider.

Non lo sapevo .... mah se la alfa lo aveva patentato veramente le altre marche non lo potevono usare , giusto ? oh sono sbagliato?

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

Even valvetronic does not have throttle.....the difference is that uniair has fully electronic management and valvetronic-vtec is hydraulic.

why don't you open a new topic about this ? ;)

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell


NunoHGT: i brevetti scadono dopo un certo periodo, non sono perpetui. Quindi dopo la scadenza del brevetto chiunque può produrlo. O anche prima, modificandolo a sufficienza.

Actually both Valvetronic and Uniair do have throttle butterfly valves, which are normally fully open. (I have personally seen a 147 with Uniair at Centro Ricerche Fiat)

Valvetronic is not hydraulic, by the way. It is electromechanical, while Uniair is electrohydraulic. The big difference is, Uniair lets you control each valve of each cylinder separately, while Valvetronic acts on all the inlet valves at once, with the same setting.


why don't you open a new topic about this ? ;)

Sottoscrivo! Capisco che tenere sempre in vista questo 3d sia importante (considerando quanta gente sta aspettando informazioni definitive - presentazione, foto nuove... - sulla 159), ma come col 3d precedente qui si finisce a parlare di tutto ECCETTO che della 159!... :?


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