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Mr Taurus,why they used multislip technology in premium platform,when it increases the weight for 50kgr?....also they won't make rwd versions of 159/brera so where is the point for a modular platform that increases the weight.

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a platform is used for two generations of cars so is a choice that doesn't have to do with 159/brera only but with other cars as the highend range of the brand also and their successors...except of that multisplit structure is a much more sofisticated choice and provides cutting edge torsional rigidity....

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Qui in Svizzera le Alfa costano sempre molto meno caro delle tedesche :-) ma la ragione non la so...

Dal 4 marzo 2003 la passione ci guida! Entra nella comunità con noi !

Questa Giulia non è premium....è spermium !

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vediamo un quadro completo


159 a partire da 28.600(1.9JTS)

3 a partire da 28.850(318i)

A4 a partire da 27.200 euro(1.6)


159 a partire da 40.500 CHF(1.9JTDm)

3 a partire da 39.600 CHF(318i)

A4 a partire da 38.200 CHF(1.6)


159 a partire da 27.200 euro(1.9JTDm)

3 a partire da 27.050 euro(318i)

A4 a partire da 24.580 euro(1.6)


159 a partire da 25.900 euro(1.9JTDm)

3er a partire da 25.750 euro(318i)

A4 a partire da 23.900 euro(1.6) non e' in vendita la 1.9TDI


159 a partire da 28.500 euro(1.9JTDm)

3 a partire da 29.301 euro(318i)

A4 a partire da 27.800 euro(2.0) non sono in vendita la 1.6 e la 1.9TDI

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a platform is used for two generations of cars so is a choice that doesn't have to do with 159/brera only but with other cars as the highend range of the brand also and their successors...except of that multisplit structure is a much more sofisticated choice and provides cutting edge torsional rigidity....

So it's a solution also for saving costs....cause they could develop an exclusive rwd platform for 169,maseratina.

Also i think that we cannot compare the torsional rigidity of different brands because there is not exist a certified way of measurement.....each one measures the chassis in each point it wants.Also in order to have a better view we should know the torsional rigidity of points contact of the suspension,differentials,engine,semiaxle,with frame and hypoframe that supports all this stuff.

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So it's a solution also for saving costs....cause they could develop an exclusive rwd platform for 169,maseratina.

Also i think that we cannot compare the torsional rigidity of different brands because there is not exist a certified way of measurement.....each one measures the chassis in each point it wants.Also in order to have a better view we should know the torsional rigidity of points contact of the suspension,differentials,engine,semiaxle,with frame and hypoframe that supports all this stuff.

Not really at least for 159...cause the premium floorpan used cost way over the conventional floorpans...that use 3 series or A4...

No you can normally compare the floorpans of different brands all use the same type of measurement don't be confused by the fact that other announce daNM/rad or NM/rad or KGM/rad or KGM/deg or lb.ft/deg or lb.ft/rad is very simple to compare and find how many lb.ft/deg are X KGM/rad for example.

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