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La 159 e stata testata da un magazino francese "Autojournal"

Era un test contro Serie3, A4, X Type, 407 e Laguna...

La 159 vince alla grande!!!!

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FIAT : Fabbrica Italiana Alta Tecnologia

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no i don't remember to have post that and there are some errors..they miss the vote on C-class construction quality and after they say in leather quality that the C class restyling has (nappa)smerigliato leather..c-class restyling has smerigliato leather not nappa(that is another quality of leather used by MB in upper class models like SL CL or S class and in the recent E class and CLS..other houses use this high quality leather even to superminis like Lancia Ypsilon or Audi in all models from A3 to A8)..but i think that the votes are credible.
La 159 e stata testata da un magazino francese "Autojournal"

Era un test contro Serie3, A4, X Type, 407 e Laguna...

La 159 vince alla grande!!!!

Altro che Master test...

riportalo al forum non l'hai gia' fatto...

It is actually quite an interesting post, because I happen to know that those numbers come from the PSI (Piano Sperimentale Integrato) system, so they were posted by a Fiat insider.

yes that is what i'm thinking too

no i don't remember to have post that and there are some errors..they miss the vote on C-class construction quality and after they say in leather quality that the C class restyling has (nappa)smerigliato leather..c-class restyling has smerigliato leather not nappa(that is another quality of leather used by MB in upper class models like SL CL or S class and in the recent E class and CLS..other houses use this high quality leather even to superminis like Lancia Ypsilon or Audi in all models from A3 to A8)..but i think that the votes are credible.
The person who wrote this has spoken about nappa quality before you did in the Greek forum..he also has said the below before you did

Taurus has written

Del resto e' noto che mercedes benz aveva problemi con il trattamento della pelle smerigliato nel passato nei modelli medi e medio superiori(nei superiori hanno sempre usato nappa quindi non hanno avuto problemi)..che ha superato nelle medio superiori con la nuova classe E ma che rimangono su classe C.

The Greek insider has written it before Taurus did...

He said that smerigliato:is chemichal worked and it has plastic touch and if it can be worked enough the result will be very good.Mercedes had many years problem with the plastic touch and she overcome it with E class.Nappa is worked with natural substances of high quality.Pieno fiore is the highest quality.

...he says the same things with you but sometimes he says more.So you are telling me you are not the same person....when i asked the Greek insider about the 2.2Jts Turbo and the 3.6 jts he did not know the details that Mr Taurus knows but he just mentioned the two choises....anyway i think that the insiders should write most to english sites and not exclusively to gr/it....i am doing my best to inform the english people with Taurus information.....the strange thing is that the greek insider has exactly the same behaviour(full attack) with you Mr Taurus-For example he starts his speach with perfavore or scusa or with all respect...etc....I don't care to know anything about your personal life Mr Taurus but i have the right to know if you and the greek insider are the same person.I know that you also write in and you haven't hide it.

It is actually quite an interesting post, because I happen to know that those numbers come from the PSI (Piano Sperimentale Integrato) system, so they were posted by a Fiat insider.
He has said that he is member of RIAR....?Is there any greek member in Riar? the past he told me that your brother James is doing his best but he doesn't know how the things are in 100%(logical) and sometimes do mistakes in his articles(also logical).
The person who wrote this has spoken about nappa quality before you did in the Greek forum..he also has said the below before you did

Taurus has written

The Greek insider has written it before Taurus did...

He said that smerigliato:is chemichal worked and it has plastic touch and if it can be worked enough the result will be very good.Mercedes had many years problem with the plastic touch and she overcome it with E class.Nappa is worked with natural substances of high quality.Pieno fiore is the highest quality.

...he says the same things with you but sometimes he says more.So you are telling me you are not the same person....when i asked the Greek insider about the 2.2Jts Turbo and the 3.6 jts he did not know the details that Mr Taurus knows but he just mentioned the two choises....anyway i think that the insiders should write most to english sites and not exclusively to gr/it....i am doing my best to inform the english people with Taurus information.....the strange thing is that the greek insider has exactly the same behaviour(full attack) with you Mr Taurus-For example he starts his speach with perfavore or scusa or with all respect...etc....I don't care to know anything about your personal life Mr Taurus but i have the right to know if you and the greek insider are the same person.I know that you also write in and you haven't hide it.

Yes ofcourse i wrote in autoscoops and that is known i always used one nick in all forums i participate autopareri autoscoops or quattroruote in the past.....but i had not participate to a greek forum for the very simple reason that i don't speak greek and after that even if was enlgish speaking i would not have time..i can't be present in all forums..but is possible that if he writes there with a style similar to me(and is not just a case) to copy my style cause there were many in the past in italy that wrote in the first part of 2003 in many italian forums under my name...and use a style similar to wouldn;t be the first time someone copies me..

p.s. i had wrote an analysis of the leather quality two years ago in autopareri

yes that is what i'm thinking too

The PSI system really is fantastic I must say. I think it has a lot to do with the quailty of the new models, I mean, every factor is taken into consideration and is really processed in such an integrated manner - brilliant!

Edit: the best part is that any problems are clearly exposed!

Yes ofcourse i wrote in autoscoops and that is known i always used one nick in all forums i participate autopareri autoscoops or quattroruote in the past.....but i had not participate to a greek forum for the very simple reason that i don't speak greek and after that even if was enlgish speaking i would not have time..i can't be present in all forums..but is possible that if he writes there with a style similar to me(and is not just a case) to copy my style cause there were many in the past in italy that wrote in the first part of 2003 in many italian forums under my name...and use a style similar to wouldn;t be the first time someone copies me..

p.s. i had wrote an analysis of the leather quality two years ago in autopareri

In the period you were writting more energetic in autoscoops there was a person who was copying everything in you with the nickname Paris_Troyes.Do you know him?Have you ever spoken about 1998 Pininfarina Alfa Romeo Dardo?

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