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Maybe it is a good idea to stop the public interrogation of Taurus here. We are lucky to have such a passionate contributor who obvioussly only posts positive things about cars from the Fiat Group. Infact Fiat should pay him for his unique service! Lets continue the discussion on the 159.

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If i am not wrong your favourite phrase is c'est la vie?

No is surely not my favourite phrase 'c'est la vie' cause i prefer far more intelectual phrases and i believe that we make our lives..

Maybe it is a good idea to stop the public interrogation of Taurus here. We are lucky to have such a passionate contributor who obvioussly only posts positive things about cars from the Fiat Group. Infact Fiat should pay him for his unique service! Lets continue the discussion on the 159.

That's just what I said a few posts ago :D

From this point, please stay in topic and stop the survey about Taurus' identity... if possible even in private.

Basta OT tutti quanti :?

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!

No,i have a link that shows what is the job and propably the origin of Paris_Troyes.Those links shows the interests of Paris which are as Taurus has said cars,Ancient Greek philosophy,desing...etc.

yes ok but paris_troyes is also one of France's most famous cycling races, i don't have paris_troyes mail accounts..only a paristroyes..cause paris_troyes was already taken...


what i never wrote in automobilismo....

i don't have any accounts paris_troyes...but one hotmail i said paris_troyes was already taken..

in quattroruote my id is T a u r u s as in autopareri i never had an id neither 6c2500 neither 8c2900....

And many persons in the past copy me think that even launch taurus id's in different forums specially in the first part of 2003..when the fiat crisis theme was in his heights..

Probably someone copy's simple...and probably even read what we are writing now


Sorry for the last message...i wan in a hurry...this is the correct message.

yes ok but paris_troyes is also one of France's most famous cycling races, i don't have paris_troyes mail accounts..only a paristroyes..cause paris_troyes was already taken...

Ok thanks you for answering my questions...i don't have anything with you but with the greek insider.So i will write my last conclusion.

You say you don't have paris_troyes mail are right...i saw that.But who wrote the below article?.The greek insider?Also last night you admited that in the beggining you were writting in autoscoops as paris_troyes not as paristroyes and your posts still exist.

My conclusion is....

I found the profile of paris_troyes in english and his hobbies are cars,moto,sailing,sea,wine,archeology,travel,.AND much more(He love loves classic cars..) I also find the profile of paris_troyes in Greek and his hobbies are the same.In the Greek profile he uses the nickname staurus wich in Greek means Stauros which is a Greek name.Last night after our conversation the Greek profile was deleted.So now i am waiting from paris_troyes to delete and the english profile because he forgot it!!Also in the Greek profile he says that he lives in Athens-Milan-Turin,gives his age(i want tell it) and speaks with other people for several matters(especialy desing) in fluently greek...he knows the greek language a lot.Also you were writting in ANOTHER italian as 6c2500 so it is logical to choose a nickname for the Greek forum as 8C2900.Also you also speak a lot for greek islands,greek market/magazine and ancient greek.

So the clues shows that you have many commons but we cant say if you are the same person.They are two theories.The first is that Taurus and Greek insider are one person and i cannot understand why he hides it.The second theory is that a Greek weirdo(crazy man) has copied 100% Mr Taurus.But sometimes he post more things than Taurus so he also seems to be working for Fiat and have access to PSI system with all the information.For example TAURUS has never posted the quality comparison.....(another insider but who is also copying Taurus?).

Greek insider has written.(have you ever spoken about the below Mr Taurus?)

Quattroporte is of the cars with the most italian/classical shape.Nowadays the German Brands have more latin desing cause to fashion reasons.The modern italian desing with cars such Quattroporte,159,Brera,8c,Grande Punto is greek infuenced from the rebirth period and gives you the image of perfect ratio(analogy) in the shape,the feeling of movement and classic beauty.Also sometimes the German brands have more baroque style like MB CLS, BMW 1,3,5,7,Z4 etc.In the past the greek insider spoken about the connection between numbers and letters....

what i never wrote in automobilismo....

i don't have any accounts paris_troyes...but one hotmail i said paris_troyes was already taken..

in quattroruote my id is T a u r u s as in autopareri i never had an id neither 6c2500 neither 8c2900....

And many persons in the past copy me think that even launch taurus id's in different forums specially in the first part of 2003..when the fiat crisis theme was in his heights..

Probably someone copy's simple...and probably even read what we are writing now

i already answered.

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