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sarà anche carina come auto, ma tanto sono talmente stupidi che la venderanno a 25ooo€ e oltre, e continueranno tutti a comprare AudiA3...o magari passeranno alle italiane(meglio se la seconda opzione)


Ma quando finisce sta moda?Dalla 307 in poi,nn una che fosse guardabile.....tutte col culo piu' lungo del concept,tolta quella mascherina mi piace

  • 2 settimane fa...

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The last VW Cabrio which was built on the third generation (1993 -1999) Golf platform was essentially replaced in spirit by the New Beetle Cabriolet in 2002. Aimed at filling the void, VW put forward a design study called the VW concept C unveiled at Geneva Motor Show in March 2004. As a result of positive feedback from industry and the general public VW announced two months later the "green light" for the concept C as a combined coupe and convertible 4-seater with an innovative folding steel roof. By comparing these first spy photo images against the concept C, it is safe to say the production VW Cabrio will not inherit the same aggressive body lines and dimensions but VW alludes that the integrated glass sliding sunroof within the folding metal roof system is a strong possibility for production thus giving it a unique market position. Model lineup positioning of the 2006 VW Cabrio falls between the Golf and the Passat and will be unveiled in Frankfurt this September with the European market launch in first quarter 2006. Expect to see the full range of VW engines including the new 280hp 3.6L VR6 to be included later in the life cycle. The 2006 VW Cabrio will be manufactured at Volkswagen Autoeuropa - Automóveis Lda. factory in Portugal. According to VW/Audi of America Executive Vice President Len Hunt, pricing should be around $30,000 depending on euro/dollar exchange rates.






Penso che utilizzino colori poco appariscenti per i muletti. Il problema di queste vetture è che hanno sempre un codone che li sproporziona in modo esagerato.


comunque sempre lì che provano auto del popolo e sempre lì che investono in ricerca nei propulsori, solo estetica e macchine di lusso, ma per il popolo c'è la fox con i motori prerivoluzione industriale

l'integralista pasticca

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