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Honda Civic Berlina e Coupé (Spy)


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Sometimes it just doesn't pay to save space on your digital memory card for those vacation pictures when something big is passing you by. And that's exactly what happened during this spring break fling. These pictures, taken by college students on their way to their vacation destination, was obviously shot in the low-megapixel mode, but grainy or not, these are the very first pictures of the upcoming Honda Civic sedan.

There will be many differences between the sedan and coupe, but even so, one can easily see the similarities between the sedan shown here and the Civic Si concept shown in Chicago. Most noticeable is the sweeping roofline and A-pillar, which goes right into the hood for a dramatic look. The windshield, side-view mirror treatment, and front-side windows, as well as the rear fender creases and trim, all match closely with the Si concept as well.


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Ma se 1macchina non è Fiat, allora invecchia subito per forza?

Non ti preoccupare è una delle tante assurdità che taurus ha fatto entrare in testa a molti....per lui alcuni auto (ovvio nn fiat) sono già invecchiate dopo 6 mesi un anno....guarda caso alcune che elogiava un anno fa quando erano case amiche....opel astra su tutti

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......

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  • 1 mese fa...



Starting from the left hand corner... "The Civic will have a 1.3 liter gasoline engine with automatic transmission and IMA capable of getting 30 KM/L or better in fuel economy.

Over to the main body on the right hand side...

The Civic will be introduced this September at the Geneva(??*) Motor Show. New Civic will have a 5-door design. Japan themselves have long enjoyed 4-door cars for a long time. The first discovery of the 5-door is a design that the Japanese are coming to prefer.

The style itself looks like a sports car, but the main point is the hybrid feature. The system has the same IMA, but very sports like, the styling surpasses the previous Civic design of today. The design will efficiently be welcomed in today's great market place. "

Editor's NOTE:

While the car depicted in this drawing looks interesting, and appears to be a fairly reasonable representation of the 2006 North American Civic Sedan, it's pretty clear that this drawing is not fully accurate. First of all, the one set of spy shots that we've seen clearly shows a front quarter window, and the car in those photos has been verified to be the real '06 Civic. Secondly, if you look at the side view/cutaway above, take a look at the front wheel placement - there is virtually zero overhang. And note Honda has repeatedly stated in the past that though long front overhangs are difficult to deal with from a styling standpoint, they are an absolute necessity for meeting their safety priorities. On top of that, with a transverse FF transaxle configuration, such wheel placement is also nearly impossible from a packaging standpoint. So this throws off the overall proportions of the sketch. The detailing on the sides and door cutlines appears reasonably accurate, but moving to the rear of the vehicle, we think there are some differences. In these renderings, the trunklid cutlines are tapered too much - it looks good and gives the car a bit of a muscular look, but we know Honda, and we don't think they would sacrifice access to the trunk to such a degree. Also, we're nearly certain that the Civic sedan won't have dual exhausts, nevermind triangular tips.

*As we all know, the Geneva show already took place in March. Honda has officially stated that the production version of the '06 (Euro) Civic will debut in September at the Frankfurt Motor Show.


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io trovo non siano male queste auto... trovo che si siano liberate dalla ricerca di un nuovo stile pescando dal passato e che siano andate avanti, anche se non so bene per quale motivo mi ricordano le auto dei film sul futuro anni '90

E' la prima auto al mondo con motore a 6 cilindri a V di 60 gradi e con frizione, cambio e differenziale in un unico blocco sull'asse posteriore, transaxle, ..., è il 1950 e lei è l'Aurelia. (

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