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Porsche Boxster 2005...

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On that Paris salon shows Porsche the new Boxster, which comes on 27 November on the market. The prices for that optically and technically reconditioned roadster are enough from 43.068 to 51,304 euro for the s-version.

Heart of the new boxing he generation are stronger engines. The 2,7-Liter-Basistriebwerk brings it now on 240 instead of 228 HP, with the Boxster to S rises the achievement of the 3,2-Liter-Sechszylinders of 260 to 280 HP.

The acceleration values of zero on 100 km/h: 6.2 seconds for the basic model and 5.5 seconds for the s-version. The maximum speed of S amounts to 268 km/h, the basic form runs maximally 256 km/h. The values consumed according to European Union standard read 9.6 and/or 10.4 Liter/100 km.

The Design of the new Boxsters stands out against the Vormodell by larger wheels (17 tariff with the Boxster, 18 tariff with S) and a broader trace. By the again arranged headlights with separate nebula lamps the boxing he face stands out now more strongly against the 911-Front.

As well as the side view coined/shaped by increased air intakes before the rear axle, more concise door-smolder-learn a larger glass area between b-column and roof. The kazzoopit was modified likewise. Its materials are to work high-quality, in addition a new Multimdeia plant introduction holds.

As power transmission a modified fuenfganggetriebe with shorter ways, S serves the Boxster has a six-gear shift. Against surcharge both variants can be equipped also with the well-known Fuenfgang Tiptronic s mechanism.

First roadster with Windowbags

As first roadster world-wide the new Boxster protects its passengers with a Windowbag, which quick optimal helmet in the case of a side collision out of the side window parapet wall and is together with the thorax Airbag integrated into the backrest to secure.

The prices? 43,068 euro for the Boxster and 51,304 euro for the Boxster S - lie according to Porsche equipment-settle six to nine per cent under those the Vormodelle.

Large Boxster Story in the next booklet of car engine and sport

A detailed history over the new Porsche Boxster with further details to technology and Design find you in car engine and sport number 20, which starting from Wednesday, which is 15 September in the trade.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


L'ennesimo restyling per Porsche dopo la 997 che altro non e' di un restyling della 996...stesso dicasi anche di questa 987 rispetto alal 986...infatti Porsche ha speso tantissimo nello sviluppo di un nuovo pianale e del 4o modello Porsche della Porsche GT la 4port di casa Porsche per cui ha preferito ristilizzare pesantemente sia 996 che 986 e non presentare vetture totalmente nuove come invece aveva detto alla presentazione di questi modelli per il cambio strategia di allora che prevedeva totalmente nuovi modelli ogni 6-7 anni....per vedere i totalmente nuovi eredi di 997 e 987 dobbiamo aspettare 2008....


Comunque per me la Boxster e' vera Porsche per definizione, erede di vetture legendarie per il marchio come la Porsche 550 Spyder......sia per costo sia per tipologia e' molto piu' Porsche del filone 911 nato negli anni 60...ed il migliore modello in assoluto della gamma Porsche e' certamente la Boxster S....

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