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quindi vendono solo diesel e 3.2 allora il 3.2 deve restare, il 3.0 ed il 2.4 possono andare in pensione

  • Ieri: Fiat Panda 900 Young (1998) - AB Y10 II Avenue (1993) - Fiat Panda 1.2 DynamicClass (2004) - Fiat Punto Evo 1.4 GPL (2010)
  • Oggi: Ford Focus SW 1.6 Tdci 90cv (2009) e Lancia Ypsilon 1.2 (2016)
  • Ieri: Aprilia Rally II L.C. 50cc (1996) - Piaggio Vespa PX 150 (2002) - Honda Hornet 600 II (2006)
  • Oggi: Honda Hornet 600 III (2007) e Piaggio Vespa PX 150 (2000)
  • 2 settimane fa...
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Is it true that the project of New Thesis is frozen because of 169?.........The same goes for new Stilo because of Grande Punto?

No Alfa Romeo product plan has nothing to do with that of Lancia...surely a Thesis successor is not the first thing in Lancia Agenda there are other priorities like the compact SUV next year..the Delta and the Fulvia in 2007 and probably a big car but not as big as thesis the new Thema in 2008.

No the Stilo successor will be in the market in october 2006...and is one of the most important projects for fiat auto after the new Punto.The name of the model is Punto...we use grande(great) instead of nuova(new)...not as a part of the name model..that remains Punto!

and probably a big car but not as big as thesis the new Thema in 2008.

Based on what? The Premium platform? The Epsilon platform? Or something completely different?

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