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The gulf program is removed. A Quintett of new models debuetiert to the IAA - aforementioned from a study to the compact UV Beduin with Offroad Design, alternatively front or all-wheel drive and engines up to 250 HP. On the IAA in Frankfurt everything turns around the gulf V. in the center becomes a study with VOLKSWAGEN, which presumably carries the name Beduin and as standard model in the middle of 2007 to prices starting from 25.000 euro on the market to come is. The all-wheel-driven Coupé is a harbinger on summer 2007 scheduled gulf SUV. The series version will formally remind however in contrast to the study no Zweituerer, but of the four-door gulf plus. Differently than these it has however like the trade wind the new chrome grill and the kind-typical jeep optics. Last retouchings ensure for the fact that the Beduin comes along less martially and hochbeinig than originally intended. It fits that it will give the compact UV in the future not only with all-wheel drive (technology as with the gulf 4Motion), but also only with front wheel drive. Also otherwise the car up to the increased clearance orients itself closely at the gulf plus, apart from the fact that the engine pallet starts only with 140 HP (Diesels) and 150 HP (Benziner). Point engine is the 3,2-Liter-V6 with 250 HP, which however only later is used. This area gulf is to cost approximately 25,000 euro, depending upon equipment and motorizing in addition, more. Who estimates the Offroad Look, or directly more deeply to enter would like not to verzagen, does not have certainly: In the summer 2006 comes supplementing the gulf CROSS, a Normalo gulf, which takes up in the style of the Polo Fun some the relevant optical characteristics as gulf for the large city jungle. New Klappdach Cabrio could Sun is called rather flat as high presents itself meanwhile the second high point, which VOLKSWAGEN intends to reveal on the IAA: the new Cabrio, whose series version will differ only in few details from the Urentwurf. Thereby is the question whether still gulf or already more, quite entitled. Finally be based that 4.4 meters long Cabrio not on the usual gulf understructure, internally PQ35 mentioned, but on a combination from PQ35 and PQ46 (trade wind). That shows up outside in the width, which precipitates clearly more sumptuously. Otherwise is certainly the technical relationship with the gulf first degree. That applies also to the engines: Benziner from 115 HP to 200 HP, in addition the 140-PS-Diesel and for later also the 3,2-Liter-V6 with 250 HP. Without the four letters VOLKSWAGEN will nevertheless do with the Cabrio. The viersitzige open air Volkswagen is to be called neither gulf, nor be content with the designation Cabrio. Meant is rather to an own model designation, which refers most likely to the hottest all Gestirne - appropriately also, because the Cabrio is to provide closed for sunny mind. In the style of the time it has full Coupé comfort a roof from glass and aluminum, which fold themselves up if necessary into the trunk, otherwise however offers. The front part of this construction can be handled in addition, like a sun roof. Gladly the question about the trunk, posed with this concept rightfully: Openly the offer shrinks on 200 litres, otherwise load volume of 400 litres signs. The pleasure is to cost at least 27,000 euro, was less also not to expect (distribution starting from spring 2006). Same could be said by a further gulf novelty, which will likewise step on the IAA into the footlights. Gulf fans glad-lure: The R32-lose time is past, the new one stands before the door (available starting from October). In the prescription nothing changed: All-wheel drive, 3,2-Liter-V6-Motor, 250 HP and a muscle-stressed Outfit, in the future alternatively as two zwei-oder Viertuerer. For approximately 35,000 euro one participates, this time even without tooth rattling, because considering material existing road conditions the R32 is to fit with springs noticeably better. Medium-term (2007) HP additions in addition, are impossible: Behind the curtain first only the 3,6-Liter-Version of the V6 with full 280 HP, blocked in the trade wind, waits. Meanwhile also gulf sportsmen, to who all this seems already too sumptuously, too heavily or to soft light, are not forgotten by any means. As rabiatere alternative to the R32 to time an intensified GTI with front wheel drive and Differenzialsperre, with abgespeckter lightweight construction body and 240 turbo-HP in the test department (conception in the summer 2006) trains. Comeback gulf of the GTD - however with 170 HP the urge to more sportyness leaves also with the Diesel its traces. Keyword GTD: The model designation for the dynamic Diesel, usual with the gulf I and II, celebrate on the IAA reon purchasing. Where GTD draufsteht, are in the future 170 HP in it, whereby the gulf this variant of the two-litre engine with the trade wind divides (zero on 100 km/h in 7.8 seconds, point 227 km/h). GT moderately with mesh grill also opening, however precipitates the air intake in front smaller than with the GTI. The GTI is to remain unmistakable. The urgent question about the particle filter will answer the new Topdiesel with an unrestricted. Otherwise for the time being still the no outweighs with the gulf Diesels: VOLKSWAGEN 2005 wants to produce approximately 550,000 diesel engines, but only 150,000 filters can be supplied. Thus it is clear that the bulk of the Diesel models can be entstaubt not yet in series, but only when desired. For the gulf there are 2,0 TDI (140 HP) this option starting from autumn (565 euro), the remainder must to 2006 wait. Of it unloaded is as well known the Benziner, which could quite improve its market chances. A new engine concept, with which VOLKSWAGEN will go to the IAA to the start, might do a further: The four-cylinder inserted for the first time use the gulf has only miserable 1.4 litres capacity, but it has the strength of the two hearts - a mechanical loader plus (switched into row) a turbocharger it helps the small one in such a manner on the jumps that he can keep up nearly with Otto engines of double size. However with lower consumption. the new FSI engine, which is to close the achievement gap between the two-litre Auger (150 HP, creates 170 HP) and the two-litre turbo (200 HP) in the future. And that is only the beginning: A weaker version with 140 HP is in preparation, further FSI engines with double loading on basis of the 1,6-Liter and two-litre four-cylinder with approximately 195 HP and 240 HP is in the coming years to follow.

In sostanza: a Francoforte ci saranno 1) Il prototipo del suv medio 2)La Golf cabrio molto simile alla concept C 3) La Golf Gtd con il 2.0 da 170 cv

4) La Golf R32 5) Una Golf tipo Polo Fun.

Congresso di Berlino 1878 Principe Kutuzov: " Gli italiani chiedono l' annessione di Trento e Trieste" Kanzler Bismarck " Ah! Non sapevo che avessero perso un' altra guerra"


Si vede quanto Volkswagen cerca di basarsi su Golf.

1) Per "prototipo di SUV medio" si intente una concept car che anticipi quella Golf Plus rialzata a 4 ruote motrici della quale i muli camuffati stanno girando per le strade?

2) Ma quanto caspita ci mettono a lanciare la GOlf cabrio? Un'altra concept car dopo la VW C?

3) Golf sportiva col diesel, se non sbaglio

4) Finalmente l'erede della R32... questa dovrebbe essere, se non sbaglio, la diretta rivale dell'Alfa Romeo 147 GTA

5) Una Golf tipo Polo Fun? Ma che cavolo vogliono fare se lanceranno poi la SUv media? Per caso vogliono copiare la Fiat con la Stilo Uproad?

Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 Multijet 90 cv 5 porte Emotion. Bella rossa fiammante!!!

Mia, ti voglio tanto bene!

Si vede quanto Volkswagen cerca di basarsi su Golf.

1) Per "prototipo di SUV medio" si intente una concept car che anticipi quella Golf Plus rialzata a 4 ruote motrici della quale i muli camuffati stanno girando per le strade?

2) Ma quanto caspita ci mettono a lanciare la GOlf cabrio? Un'altra concept car dopo la VW C?

3) Golf sportiva col diesel, se non sbaglio

4) Finalmente l'erede della R32... questa dovrebbe essere, se non sbaglio, la diretta rivale dell'Alfa Romeo 147 GTA

5) Una Golf tipo Polo Fun? Ma che cavolo vogliono fare se lanceranno poi la SUv media? Per caso vogliono copiare la Fiat con la Stilo Uproad?

Congresso di Berlino 1878 Principe Kutuzov: " Gli italiani chiedono l' annessione di Trento e Trieste" Kanzler Bismarck " Ah! Non sapevo che avessero perso un' altra guerra"


Il punto 5 se lo potevano proprio risparmiare, non ho mai visto niente di piu ridicolo di un auto rialzata con cerchi da 17 e 2 ruote motrici...

Italia prendi esempio, a Ferrara siamo gia pronti per il futuro



Così è meno VW,con interni più accesi e meno monotoni.Così mi piace proprio!!

Non è la r32 quella, ma solo uno studio/esercizio stilistico della VW....mi sembra se ne sia già parlato nel forum. Poi, forse, R32 e R36 riprenderanno qualcosa.....


Si, ma se leggete bene, la R32 o la R36 che dir si voglia, è in forse. Dicono che in questo periodo sono allo studio in maniera massiccia i test di una versione della GTI alleggerita con differenziale autobloccante e surplus di cavalleria.

Io preferirei il 2.0 T FSI bello pompato piuttosto che un V6.

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