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Nuova Fiat Punto


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Come avevo già postato e pronosticato (lasciatemi rotolare nella mia modestia...) la punto si presenta al porte aperte anche con il massimo dei voti nel test Euroncap

Fiat per la Grande Punto ha finalmente deciso di pagare le spese del crash e fornire in anteprima l'auto, come fanno sempre in Renault.

Ottima scelta per avere i risultati del crash per il lancio commerciale (e non 3-4 anni dopo) e avere qualche amico in più all'Euroncap.

A mio avviso un buon modo di spendere i propri soldi.

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Cristina Siletto.

L'avevo letto tempo fa su Automotive News. Ecco l'articolo:

2002 WOMAN OF THE YEAR: Fiat counts heavily on Cristina Siletto

By Luca Ciferri

Automotive News Europe / December 16, 2002

Cristina Siletto

Age: 37

Nationality: Italian

Family: Single

Title: Heads "Project 199," Fiat's 2005 Punto replacement

Education: Engineer, graduated in 1990 from Turin Polytechnic

Previous job: Led project "188 FL," next year's Punto facelift

First job at Fiat: Worked on self-diagnostic systems for engine management systems


Fiat Auto's recovery plan calls for big profits to start flowing again in 2005 -- mainly because an all-new Punto will go on sale in May of that year.

Of course, if the Punto replacement -- called "Project 199" -- is not successful it could mean the end of Fiat Auto.

Enter Cristina Siletto, the 37-year-old woman who has been put in charge of Project 199 -- and who is Automotive News Europe's 2002 Woman of the Year.

Heading Project 199 is a daunting task. But Siletto, who has risen higher than any woman in the history of the Italian auto industry, views her job in simple terms.

"I must respect the timing, the costs and the quality," she says. "And I must come out with a product that the consumer will perceive as a true leap forward - just as the Uno was compared with the 127, and the first Punto was in replacing the Uno."

That's all easier said than done. And complicating things is the fact that the Punto replacement is also the first car developed by the common "small vehicle architecture" team formed by Fiat and General Motors' Opel in February 2002.

But Siletto inspires plenty of confidence. Fiat/Lancia boss Gianni Coda says: "Thanks to her technical and project management skills and her personal qualities, above all her determination and effectiveness, we realized that she was the right person to manage such a strategic model for Fiat."

Siletto says: "I was very lucky to get this assignment."

Thin, gentle, with magnetic green eyes, Siletto seems a quiet manager at first. But colleagues say she is very tough. She frequently flies into a rage to make a point with her team.

As head of the 199 Project, about 30 people report directly to her. Including the common vehicle architecture team with Opel and the suppliers involved, she deals with over 150 people.

"To be the head of a project means to be an endless mediator, with a single objective," Siletto says, "to

protect the profitability and the desirability of your pet."

Women engineers and executives have to be very good to rise in Italy. They work in a heavily male-dominated environment.

"At the Turin Polytechnic electronic engineering course I attended there was one girl for every 30 boys," she says.

While working alternate weeks in Turin and Poland between September 1997 and March 1998, Siletto got a fresh perspective on the disadvantages women face in Italy. She was responsible for electrical and electronic applications on the Fiat Auto A-platform. Siletto had to ensure a smooth transition from single-point to the multi-point injection system on the Seicento.

"In Poland there were many more women in roles of high responsibility than in Italy," she says. "Many plant managers at local suppliers were female since Polish women normally have a much higher technical and scientific education than in western Europe."

The weeks spent in Poland were a great learning experience for the young manager.

"Being far from the mother company you are alone and you have to make quick decisions," she says. "In addition, in Poland human relations are much more formal, so you cannot be as direct as we normally are here in Turin."

Born in Turin on July 31, 1965, Siletto is a "pure Turinese from three generations, something so rare these days that we have to be protected by the World Wildlife Fund as a species in risk of extinction."

She grew up with electronics. Her father Giorgio worked in the engineering department and then in quality control at computer manufacturer Olivetti. Her mother Caterina taught data processing. Siletto and younger brother Carlo naturally ended up studying electronic engineering.

As a child, Siletto suffered from frequent coughs, so her parents had to find a way to keep her calm during inhalation therapy.

"I was very curious, so they gave me the color tables from encyclopedias to look at," she says. "I really fell in love with a road section drawing, where you saw all the different type of tubes and connections that lie under a road. I think this influenced the decision to work on automotive electrical systems."

During the 1989 Christmas holiday, Siletto answered a Fiat Auto advertisement for new engineers. She had planned to take several months off after her scheduled graduation the following May. But Fiat insisted that she start work immediately. She began on June 4, 1990.

Her first assignments were to work on self-diagnostic systems for engine management systems and then design complete electrical and electronic systems. In February 1994, Siletto was asked to apply the systems on the A-platform, which meant working on the future Seicento and Multipla.

Her big break came in November 1998 when, at age 33, she was named head of life-cycle management for the Seicento. In January 2000, she was given responsibility for the "188 FL," the Punto face-lift that will appear next summer.

Her bosses, Marco Vassallo, head of the "Small" platform and Nevio di Giusto, head of product development, decided Siletto was capable of handling more. In July 2001 they made her project leader for Project 199.

"She's a very determined and tough person," says di Giusto. "She has a positive attitude that strengthens the team spirit."

Siletto works long hours, from 10 to 12 hours a day, but doesn't conform to Fiat's tradition of early risers.

"I hate a brutal awakening," she says.

She normally doesn't get to the office before 9 am, but doesn't leave before 8:30 or 9 pm.

"There is no one at home waiting for me, so I can arrange my working day as I like," Siletto says. "I do not have much time for a private life, but I feel it is important to forget the work as soon as I leave the office."

On the weekend she's normally off skiing in winter and sailing in summer. She also likes to watch movies and cook.

"I'm really a movie enthusiast, a great fan of Woody Allen and - in general - of clever movies that make you think and not just relax. I also love French movies."

She likes the "technical side" of cooking and her skill is widely recognized among friends.

"When they discover I'm not leaving Turin for the weekend they ask to be invited for dinner," she says.

At work she's all business, even in appearance. During office hours Siletto wears very small earrings and no necklace. On her wrist is a 1951 Zenith gold male watch she took from her father during her university years and has never returned.

At a difficult time inside Fiat, colleagues say Siletto has kept up the morale of her team and has the crucial Punto project well on track.

"It's a great challenge. I will be very, very busy for the next three years, but I'm extremely happy," she says. "I really love my job and the responsibility for the new Punto is probably one of the most exciting positions in the entire company."

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ciao a tutti... rieccomi dopo piu' di due settimane di assenza...

Visto che sono in Uk e sono rimasto all'oscuro di ogni novita' (e visto che sono in un internet cafe' che mi costa quasi 5 euro all'ora!!!) qualcuno di voi sarebbe cosi' gentile da farmi un riassuntino delle cose importanti?

foto degli interni? notizie? ma allora ha preso 5stelle?

vi prego non fatemi rileggere le ultime 35 pagine del forum! mi basta una sintesi... grazie!

Italians do it better

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durante il GP di Monza Mazzoni e soci hanno comunicato che l'anteprima mondiale della Punto sarà a Torino lunedi 5 settembre.

NOn si parlava del 7?

Veramente la macchina è già al Palavela...stasera le ho fatto un po' di foto, ce n'eran tre visibili...una 5 porte 1.3 MJ penso Dynamic, una 1.9 120CV Emotion e una spettacolare Sport 130CV rossa!

Le foto sono visibili su

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