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[IAA 2005] Carrozzeria Fisker

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Fisker Coachbuild to unveil first two designs at the Frankfurt International Auto Show

Fisker Coachbuild has issued the following press release:

Henrik Fisker and Bernhard Koehler will deliver the first two FISKER COACHBUILD designs at the Frankfurt International Auto Show. These designs will show how we are redefining the art of coachbuilding for the 21st century: design excellence rooted in the true California spirit, as portrayed in the logo design with the sun setting over the ocean.

The exotic Fisker Tramonto, our inaugural offering, is a thrilling two seater convertible that delivers 610 horsepower – with a top down 0-60 mph in just 3.6 seconds. Production will be limited to 150, so sightings of the Fisker Tramonto will always be a rarity. As will sightings for our second design, which will hit the market in 2006…but we’ll save those details for the 13th.

All Fisker cars will have an all-new exterior design and re-designed interior expressing a distinctive Fisker Design DNA. Each Fisker model will also have a recognizable face. The grille design was inspired by highly sophisticated aircraft designs, such as the F/A-22 Raptor. The Fisker Tramonto’s stunning front silhouette is similar to this jet aircraft, with the large center opening tying into the fuselage and the two wings expanding from the mouth – truly distinctive.




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chi viene a bere un aperitivo da lello?

wilhem elabora l'impianto audio/video del suo camper...

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