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Fiat Groupo-Future production plans....

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Went looking around on some other news sites and then found the following on the Fiat Group site. It is a plan that details (somewhat) the next 3 years of automobile production plans. This is from August 3rd 2005....i cannot understand Gt facelift so soon!!!!!!!!!


**Maserati acquisition to extend reach of Alfa Romeo brand into high-end sports market

**Alfas GT will get a face lift in 2006

**2007 will see a C segment Alfa Romeo - this is a new model. Edit the C segment is the 147 not a 166 type car as I had thought.

**2008 has Future high-end range - this model has not yet been announced, 159, SW, Brera and Brera Spider will all receive a face lift.

**Fiat news 2007 will see a new A segment car the 500

**Lancia will gain an SUV in 2006 and a new C/D segment and Specialty car in 2007 (possible Delta?)

Production sites Pomigliano will build the 159 and Sportswagon in 2005 that means 5 days with 2 shifts and a daily capacity of 840 units. The factory also builds the GT and 147. Production capacity will decrease by 65,000 units/year or -280 a day for the entire group between now and 2008 - or from 1,430,000 to 1,365,000. The Fiat 500 will be built at Tychy.

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