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What models Porsche and Alfa you interesting?

If you could i want a total racing victories comparison...From the prewar Alfa's-24HP(targa florio,Migle Miglia) when porsche(le mans,f1,targa florio,M&T world champioship,Long distance,IMSA,..etc) did not participate,until the last ''Big'' win of Alfa 155 in DTM.

I think Porsche's most important cars are..

356 SL Gmund Coupe

550 Spyder

Type 817 Spyder

Type 718 and 804 Formula Two

Type 904

Type 906, 910, and 910 "Plastic" Type 908

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I have all Lancia race statistics from Japan site, but Alfa its very difficult.

This is link with some Alfa statistics, but this is not all. (Without GTV6, 75, Alfetta in ETCC; 75, 155 in BTCC, 1750 in 24h Nurburgring)

And what do you think, 13th 147 2.4 M-Jet 20v in this year Nurburgring its victory or not? Diesel Alfa ahead of works Subaru Impreza WRX.

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super

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I have all Lancia race statistics from Japan site, but Alfa its very difficult.

This is link with some Alfa statistics, but this is not all. (Without GTV6, 75, Alfetta in ETCC; 75, 155 in BTCC, 1750 in 24h Nurburgring)

And what do you think, 13th 147 2.4 M-Jet 20v in this year Nurburgring its victory or not? Diesel Alfa ahead of works Subaru Impreza WRX.

Thank you very much for the links!

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And what do you think, 13th 147 2.4 M-Jet 20v in this year Nurburgring its victory or not? Diesel Alfa ahead of works Subaru Impreza WRX.

Yeah, they've won actually the diesel category this year.

only the crew around Alfa CEO Kalbfell didn't manage to finish the race. winning the nürburgring is equal to a constructors title in the WTCC ... they should name at least a color Nürburgring or maybe make a special series 147 (instead there was no promotion ... only one ad in some newspaper the day after :()

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Yeah, they've won actually the diesel category this year.

only the crew around Alfa CEO Kalbfell didn't manage to finish the race. winning the nürburgring is equal to a constructors title in the WTCC ... they should name at least a color Nürburgring or maybe make a special series 147 (instead there was no promotion ... only one ad in some newspaper the day after :()

this is fiat management still today...

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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dimentichiamo che solo le am avevano l'iniezione spica adottata esclusivamente nel mercato americano..

poi oh, non me la sono sognata io la storia america, ma la riferisce in un'intervista teodoro zeccoli, uno che in autodelta non faceva niente..

e cmq la m risulta minuscola, non maiuscola quindi difficilmente sarà una parola a sè..


Mi avete fatto venire fino a quassù e mi avete detto...mi avete detto che mi compravate una bomba...arriverò tardi per il pranzo e mia mamma...ahhh...ahhh..e non mi farà mangiare per punizione..aaaaaah che vigliacchi.........nessuno ha una cioccolata??? un croccante???

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  • 3 mesi fa...

I have all Lancia race statistics from Japan site, but Alfa its very difficult.

This is link with some Alfa statistics, but this is not all. (Without GTV6, 75, Alfetta in ETCC; 75, 155 in BTCC, 1750 in 24h Nurburgring)

And what do you think, 13th 147 2.4 M-Jet 20v in this year Nurburgring its victory or not? Diesel Alfa ahead of works Subaru Impreza WRX.

Do you have Bmw statistics? Touring racings it has greater history than AR?

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About touring racing - great site about touring races


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 49

BMW 44

Division 3, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 2


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 51

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 31,5


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo

BMW not include


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 78

BMW 36

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 76,5


Division 2, Manufacturers

BMW 63

Alfa Romeo 46

Division 3, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 60

BMW 30


Division 1, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 54

Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 54

BMW 28

Division 2, Manufacturers

BMW 35


Division 1, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 180

Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 91

BMW 85


Division 1, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 94

BMW 62

Division 2, Manufacturers

BMW 120


Division 1, Manufacturers

BMW 61

Alfa Romeo 34

Division 2, Manufacturers

BMW 90


Division 1, Manufacturers

BMW 47

Alfa Romeo don’t race

Division 2, Manufacturers

BMW 120

Alfa Romeo don’t race


Division 1, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 115

Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 135

BMW 85

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 30

Division 4, Manufacturers

BMW 140


Division 1, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 160

Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 32

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 150

Alfa Romeo 137

Division 4, Manufacturers

BMW 133

Division 5, Manufacturers

BMW 160


Division 5, Manufacturers

BMW 180

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 170

Division 1, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 152

Division 4, Manufacturers

BMW 140


Division 5, Manufacturers

BMW 180

Division 4, Manufacturers

BMW 172

Alfa Romeo don’t race


Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 140

Alfa Romeo 68


Division 5, Manufacturers

BMW 140

Alfa Romeo don’t race


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 160

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 155


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 180

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 165


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 180

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 152


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 200 (257)

BMW 139

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 114 (140)


Division 2, Manufacturers

Alfa Romeo 73

BMW 180

Division 3, Manufacturers

BMW 160

Who greater its question for you :)

My opinio ALFA is greater because wins with smaller engine.

In the battle ALFA GTV 2.5 vs BMW 635 AR is winner.

In the battle ALFA GTA (GTAm) vs BMW 2002 AR is winner.

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super

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