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Dodge Chrysler m4s turbo interceptor

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PPG Dodge Turbo Interceptor / M4S / The Wraith

Best known for role in The Wraith, the M4S / Dodge Turbo Interceptor is in storage at the Walter P. Chrysler museum (Derek Beland). The pace car was built by Chrysler and PPG for $1.5 million, and six additional copies were made for the movie filmed in 1986 outside of Tuscon, Arizona, starring Charlie Sheen and Nick Cassavettes. The car was rear wheel drive, with the basic 2.2 block topped by a Cosworth 16 valve, dual-cam head and fed by Bosch fuel injection with twin turbochargers (John Abram Cargo). Road & Track claimed 440 horsepower, 0-60 in 4.1 seconds, and a 12.9 second quarter mile; the mid-engine design was loosely Daytona-based.

Four still exist; one is at PPG headquarters, one is in a museum. A kit car with the same basic look was made for a while, using a different engine. It was shown at the 1986 Chicago Car Show. Reportedly, a 600 horsepower engine was installed in one copy.



Già, la famosa "Turbo nera" (nella pellicola la chiamavano solo così) del film "Il Replicante".

Carino, il classico film da seconda serata Mediaset...

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