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La porsche si compra la Volkswagen

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bè , è l' ennesima dimostrazione che i marchi più forti , quelli con le casse piene , non sono i generalisti ma quelli che vanno sul lusso...........

Insomma , a vendere le macchine ai finisce con le pezze al culo :D :D :D

Nn pensavo che Renault vendesse limousine...

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Nn pensavo che Renault vendesse limousine...

ma la INFINITI si ;)

e cmq la renault a dalla sua l'innovazione, il design innovativo...e la nissan che nn e neanche lei messa male ;)...inj totale a tre, anzi piu la dacia 4 marchi che tirano..

in VW ce la Seat che e sotto le Skoda VW si sta riprendendo..l'unica che nn a subito tante perdite e l'Audi...e credo neanche la Lambo..


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Artcolo da la porsche ha confermato

Update 7: Porsche Plans to Acquire Stake in VW

09.25.2005, 01:24 PM

Luxury sports car maker Porsche AG said Sunday it plans to acquire a stake of about 20 percent in Volkswagen AG, a move aimed at strengthening ties between the automakers and preventing a future hostile takeover of Volkswagen.

Porsche said Volkswagen has become "a significant supplier for about 30 percent of our sales volume" as well as "an important partner in development."

The two companies worked together to develop Porsche's Cayenne sport utility vehicle and Volkswagen's Touareg. They recently announced that they, along with Audi AG, were forming an alliance to develop hybrid engines.

"With this engagement, we want to secure our business relations with VW and also safeguard in the long term a significant part of our future planning," Porsche chief executive Wendelin Wiedeking said in a statement.

Stuttgart-based Porsche said it hoped the investment would enable it to head off any future hostile takeover of Volkswagen by investors "who do not have the longterm interests of VW as their aim."

That scenario could arise if the European Court of Justice rules against a German law that effectively protects the company, Europe's largest automaker, from such a takeover.

"Our planned investment is the strategic answer to this risk," Wiedeking said.

"This 'German solution' that we are seeking is a significant precondition for the stable development of Volkswagen AG" and for the two companies' future cooperation, he said.

Porsche said it was in contact with Volkswagen's management and did not plan to take over the company. Volkswagen welcomed Porsche's move, which it said supported its "independent business policy."

"A stable shareholder structure is very important" in the long term, it added.

The European Commission took Germany to court last year over the VW law. It has long argued that the decades-old law goes against the grain of the 25-nation bloc's single market principles, although German politicians claim it helps ensure stability at the company.

The Commission objects to provisions of the 1960 law privatizing Volkswagen that cap a shareholder's voting rights at 20 percent, regardless of the number of shares held, and requires a majority of 80 percent for "important decisions."

The state of Lower Saxony, where VW's Wolfsburg headquarters is situated, is currently the biggest shareholder, with a stake of 18.2 percent.

A 20 percent stake would currently cost Porsche more than euro3 billion (US$3.6 billion). Porsche said it could finance the purchase with "available liquidity," but did not elaborate.

Porsche said its investment would not reach the 30 percent threshold that, under German law, would require it to make a public takeover offer for Volkswagen.

Volkswagen shares rose late last week amid rumors that a large investor was building up a stake in the company. On Friday, they closed up 3.4 percent at euro51.86 (US$62.49).

Germany's biggest industrial union, IG Metall, welcomed Porsche's move to protect Volkswagen.

"This is good for the company and good for Germany as an industrial location," union spokesman Georgios Arwanitidis told the daily Frankfurter Rundschau.

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ma la INFINITI si ;)

e cmq la renault a dalla sua l'innovazione, il design innovativo...e la nissan che nn e neanche lei messa male ;)...inj totale a tre, anzi piu la dacia 4 marchi che tirano..

in VW ce la Seat che e sotto le Skoda VW si sta riprendendo..l'unica che nn a subito tante perdite e l'Audi...e credo neanche la Lambo..

Già la mia era una precisazione sul fatto che nn tutti i marchi generalisti

sono messi "con le pezze al culo", ma forse è l'eccezione che conferma la regola...

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sicuro siano nuovi :lol: ????

l'ultimo modello che hanno lanciato è in realtà un auto vecchia di 10 anni :lol:

eh ehhe he he he he he

vallo a dire a quelle 80.000 persone che nell'ultimo anno le hanno comprate!!

ma avete idea di quanto sia piu grande wv di porsche?????


A Francoforte sulla Brera

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chissa che bel blocco su modelli pretazionali di AUDI.

ammesso (e non concesso) che l'acquisizione avvenga, oltre il modelli prestazionali AUDI vedo anche modifiche e nubi sui piani per lambo.

Oltrechè per un riposizionamento in basso dei modelli concorrenti Touareg e la neonata Q7

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eh ehhe he he he he he

vallo a dire a quelle 80.000 persone che nell'ultimo anno le hanno comprate!!

si sono fatte fregare ...... ma d'altronde non è l'unico marchio che fa tanto tanto fumo con auto obsolete e ipergommate per dargli un minimo di stabilità

però se lo perdono a BMW o MB che alla fine deve vendere berline e SW non lo perdono a Porsche che dovrebbe vendere dream car.....



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