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Audi has been rolling out new models in a steady pace, creating plenty of headlines and generating much interest in the brand. For the next phase of launches, the focus is now on performance. Undoubtedly a replacement TT and mid-engined sportscar based on the Le Mans concept (likely to be dubbed R9) will make a debut in 2006, but the move to performance starts long before that with the S8 bowing later this month and the S6 just after the first of the year.

S8 Debut Set for Tokyo in Late October

Perhaps there’s some irony in the fact that Audi plans a Tokyo International Auto Show launch for the S8. The original S8 achieved legendary status from its involvement in the movie Ronin - a film that took place in Europe, but was named for the wandering samurai of feudal Japan.

Audi is keen to continue their product blitz later this month with the Japanese debut of the ultimate S-car that achieved such cinematic fame. This comes just one month after the company took the wraps off of their Q7 SUV and redesigned A4/S4 Cabriolet in September at the Frankfurt IAA.

The new S4 Cabriolet shows a hint of things to come for the S8 and remaining S-cars. Multiple sources at Audi suggest that the wheel shown in the few press photos that have been released of the S4 Cabriolet depict a Le Mans quattro Concept-inspired wheel that will grace the S-range virtually in its entirety. On the S8, that means the wheel in a 20-inch diameter.

Rumors revolving around the S8 suggest that Audi originally planned a subtle front spoiler design similar to the standard A8, that is until a dealer meeting in Germany for American dealer principals. The US is an important market for the S8 and American dealers thought Audi should design a more aggressive chin. The accompanying digitally created S8 image shows our best guess on the way the chin might look, utilizing elements from the A6 S-line and S4 bumper covers.

The German Auto Magazine Auto Motor und Sport has reported power of 450-hp from a detuned version of the V10 shared with the Lamborghini Gallardo. That figure is “fairly accurate” according to a source at Audi. Straight-line performance of the S8 is not expected to be any faster than the current W12, though lower weight and more aggressive suspension should mean improved handling over the 12-cylinder version.

For now, Audi only plans a short wheelbase S8 as with the original hot rod Q-car.

The S8 should be ready for Audi’s home market of Germany, as well as Europe, as early as the first quarter of 2006. When the S8 will land on North American shores remains to be seen.



S6 Follows Close Behind With January Reveal

Several months ago, this blue S6 prototype made its unofficial debut while testing at the Nurburghring. If spy photographers are to compared to the paparazzi that nab celebs, then the Nurburghring must be a Paris Hilton party. You can go and have a lot of fun there, but you know shots will make the tabloids. They did and rumors followed, hinting at a ten cylinder shoehorned into Audi’s middleweight sedan. Such a showing meant the S6 must surely be close to production, and that now seems to be correct.

The S6 is now expected to make its world launch at the 2006 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, shortly after the beginning of the new year. It seems Audi is not only serious about bringing its S and RS models to market, they’re serious about the sub brands’ potential for North America. First with dealers getting a say in the S8, and now a worldwide launch in America, it seems Dr. Winterkorn wasn’t kidding when he named the U.S. with China as his top two targets for expanding the Audi brand.



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