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Analisi Master Test(distrutto...)

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First thing you say the same thing two times, if a steering wheel is 40% faster means that has less turns...the 159 steering wheel is far more precise than that used in GT and 156 is a bit slower with 2,25(not 2.2 as you said) turns against 2,2 turns of the previous models(3 series has 3 turns steering wheel) but has even better precision and smaller steer diameter which was one of the problems of the 156/GT steering wheel.

Master Test is hideous is made with only one purpose give the win to the german cars and put 159 in one of the last positions cause won all the active safety and handling tests.

Ok Taurus i understand you...But what i am saying is-Turns and diameter has nothing to do which the most precise steering wheel...if i am wrong i ll accept it.In the test they measure the most precise s.w. and not the fastest....Nevermind as i said i have driven 320 and the s.w. of Gt coupe is far i beleive your comment that 159 has even better precision.I read your analysis in master test and i agree with you.It is a ridiculous test when in the first 4 places are only german cars.

Can anyone write in which sectors 159 was not first in master test of autojournal?

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Ok Taurus i understand you...But what i am saying is-Turns and diameter has nothing to do which the most precise steering wheel...if i am wrong i ll accept it.In the test they measure the most precise s.w. and not the fastest....Nevermind as i said i have driven 320 and the s.w. of Gt coupe is far i beleive your comment that 159 has even better precision.I read your analysis in master test and i agree with you.It is a ridiculous test when in the first 4 places are only german cars.

Can anyone write in which sectors 159 was not first in master test of autojournal?

That you say it's true, turns of steering wheel has nothing to do which the precision

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Si Bender ma la 159 ha uno sterzo piu' preciso di GT o 156 figurati se paragonato a quello della 3 che non e' proprio il massimo come precisione....

Comunque quando assegni i punti sulla voce sterzo conta tutto non solo la precisione...conta sia la velocita' sia il feeling sia il diametro di sterzata sia la precisione...

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Si Bender ma la 159 ha uno sterzo piu' preciso di GT o 156 figurati se paragonato a quello della 3 che non e' proprio il massimo come precisione....

Comunque quando assegni i punti sulla voce sterzo conta tutto non solo la precisione...conta sia la velocita' sia il feeling sia il diametro di sterzata sia la precisione...

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