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FIAT Stilo - NCAP reloaded

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sembra che la Stilo in giugno sia stata riprovata...??!

Quante stelle faceva nel primo test?

4 Stelle, 1S Per urto pedoni, 4S per protezione bambini.

"The latest Fiat Stilo achieved a four star adult protection rating after Euro NCAP allowed frontal and side impact retests. These followed improvements to the body frame structure, pedal box, fascia beam, energy absorbing element behind the fascia and rear door handles.

Protection for child occupants was good but, on the 1.6-engined model used here, protection for pedestrians was poor, gaining only one star.

A Stilo with a 1.6 engine was assessed. Tests on a 1.4 version are being considered and, if different, will be published by Euro NCAP."



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