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LAS VEGAS, Oct. 31 -- ASC Incorporated, a full-service specialty-vehicle development partner for automotive manufacturers, celebrated the one-year anniversary of its West Coast Design and Technical Center by today showing off the Suzuki Grand Vitara "Dune," one of two Suzuki "LIVE Series" concept vehicles designed in ASC's Huntington Beach, Calif., design studio. The vehicle was displayed at an ASC press conference here at the 2005 Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) show.

"In just a year's time ASC has made great progress in providing our company's four decades' worth of automotive design expertise to a large number of the West Coast-based automakers and design studios," said Mark Trostle, ASC's chief creative officer. "In this past year we've undertaken eight projects in our California studio, four of them full-vehicle concepts for some of the world's major auto companies.

"And certainly one of the projects we're proud of is the Suzuki Dune," continued Trostle, "an excellent example of ASC's ability to help automakers bring their ideas to reality. We worked closely with Suzuki both to conceptualize this vehicle, as well as to design and fabricate it. In many ways, this vehicle also epitomizes what the SEMA show is all about: testing the market with high-impact vehicle concepts that focus on active-lifestyle consumers. We're pleased that Suzuki has enlisted ASC's support with both the Dune and a sister vehicle in the LIVE Series, the Wave. Suzuki is all about fun, excitement and active lifestyles -- themes that we think come through loud and clear with the entire LIVE Series of vehicles.


A quanto pare nn è l'unica...


UAU!!!!!Forse ho trovato veramente la mia auto!!!!!Una 4x4 cabrio a 5 porte!!!!Quando sarà messa in vendita????


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