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AlfaRomeo Brera...topic ufficiale.

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This is an interesting statement - is this Balocco or the Nurburgring?

mhhh, a 156 2.0 T.Spark at the Nürburgring? :D I don't think you have ever seen that track ... with 150bhp you would probably need to shift down to 3rd gear heading for the Döttinger Höhe.

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Questo silenzio sui cambi è preoccupante...

tra l'altro il selespeed (di nuova generazione) non è ancora disponibile neanche su 159 mi sembra... nn si era detto che al lancio la 2.2JTS avrebbe avuto il Selespeed ???

...che fine ha fatto ???

ASX 1.8 4WD Cleartec Intense Panoramic Luxury & Navi White

p.s.i don't think at all that 156 is a sportier car...a 156 2.0jts is slower on track than a 320i...a 159 2.2JTS is faster on track than a 320i....and think that 156 2.0JTS(1285kgr 165hp) has a better power to weight ratio than a 159 2.2JTS(1490kgr 185hp)....real performance is track and road overall performance not dragster one...
..he means that 156 had better suppleness and faster response between steering wheel-wheels..platform reacted faster in the steering wheel's command...159 is a better car in overall but it has a limo setup......He did not like Brera Q4 in the track(he told me it is unacceptable to have aerodynamic noises from the rear mirrors like Gt/147,the rear window was trembling!!! and the space for the rear passengers does not excist....he saw new Brera spider and he liked it more-bella)....but he enjoyed a lot when he drive Brera 2.2Jts outside the next's month's greek evo they will have a dvd with Brera review....In general he said that the new generation of Alfa's are in top in terms of effectiveness but they have very neutral driving cannot drive 159 3.2 in a rwd way like a Wrx-evo...

Brera is no rival of any Wrx-Evo type car... Alfa has NEVER had any car with that target.

Concerning the handling and driving feeling, I agree with the Audi-like feeling, and given the customer target range is, BY NOW, the correct target.

However, I do not agree with the better/faster cornering of 156. I felt 159 more sincere and quicker in attacking corners, with the whole body easily following orders with ZERO upsets. While 156 is too much sensitive on road debris, side riddles and wholes.

Also in fast direction changes I felt is more adjustable that 156. I do felt also more weight, of course, but not disturbing in fast manouvring.

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io voglio quella blu-arancio!!!!!!!!! bellissima, ricorda le gt anni 70..


e sentite il rombo del v6 su autobild... ottimo..

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