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AlfaRomeo Brera...topic ufficiale.


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Top Gear Test Drive

-Well, this has got to be rear of the year. Tapered, slinky, strong, and unlike anything else on the road.Saunter up close and enjoy the perfectly integrated detailing. From 10 paces, admire the strong surfaces. And when it's just 'Tangoed' you on the motorway, check out the wide track, the tough stance, the serious way it suckers down onto the road.

-Well, the Brera is proof positive that George, like some blues man in his 70s, has definitely got his mojo back.

-What's under the hood is just as aesthetically pleasing. You get the choice of Alfa's three choicest-sounding engines.At the top of the tree is a 260bhp V6 doing its stuff via four-wheel drive.It's unrelated to Alfa's old V6, but manages to sound remarkably similar - deep and thrumming at low revs, sharp and keen higher up. An engine that loves to be pasted.

-The way the Brera looks and the way it sounds:you could easily fall in love with this car before you so much as get to the first junction.Then the snaking and empty mountain road we've just found is another reason to let your heart rule your head.

-The engine sounds terrific, encouraging you to swing the needle to 7,000 in second gear.

-The backbeat of the V6 is a wonderful thing, and once you stretch this car's legs you find the performance is pretty authoritative.A 150mph car is generally enough for me. But I'm driving it around the Balocco track itself, and on a track you always want for more go. Especially when the car deals with what it has as easily as this one does.

-I've never driven a car that less needed its ESP system.It's so benign, full of messages as the torque works its way around the car when you squeeze the throttle at the exit of a corner. The Brera simply squats, neutralises and claws its way toward the straight.If the straight in question is a motorway, you'll have a more relaxing time in the V6- the 2.2 four-cylinder is spinning pretty fast even in sixth.

-On the contrary, tell yourself you're being generous. You're illuminating the lives of others by showing them something of extraordinary beauty.

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I'm impressed by the friendly comments. Not that they're not deserved, but it's definitely the best comment so far to this car, made by a die-hard british gentleman driver that usually pushes himself over the limit just with british legends and muscle cars.

very good airing for the Uk launch...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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beh, si sapeva... almeno quello sono generazioni di auto che le ns stanno in strada senza e quelle degli altri no, tanto è diventato un must averlo sto esp che vogliono metterlo obbligatorio...

Che imparino fare telai e sospensioni...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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I've never driven a car that less needed its ESP system8-) 8-):clap :clap :b9

Questa è esattamente la filosofia progettuale e di messa a punto delle sospensioni della 159: hanno lavorato per avere una tenuta di strada eccellente e un comportamento che "recuperasse" le perdite di aderenza, il tutto senza mai prendere in considerazione l'ESP. Poi, a sospensioni pronte ci hanno aggiunto l'ESP e infatti l'hanno potuto settare in modo che lavorasse pochissimo poichè la macchina faceva già tutto da sola.

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Diciamo che questa è la filosofia un po' di tutto il gruppo!!

La scorsa settimana stavo percorrendo una ss molto ampia e su un lungo rettilineo mi sono trovato all'improvviso un enorme scatolone di cartone sulla strada.Ero +o- a 110 indicati.Dato ke nn c'era nessun'altra auto,ho deciso di scartare l'ostacolo facendo un sx dx senza rallentare:la Ypsilon,pur con tutto il rollio che si ritrova nn si è scomposta un attimo senza che l'ESP intervenga.Merito anche dei cerchi da 16" e dei Pirelli PZero Nero.

Unica conseguenza:le parolacce di mia sorella e di un mio amico che erano con me in macchina!!

Ovviamente Ypsilon nn è nè 159 nè tantomeno Brera,è solo per sottolineare la validità dei tecnici che lavorano in Fiat Auto!!

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Ovviamente Ypsilon nn è nè 159 nè tantomeno Brera,è solo per sottolineare la validità dei tecnici che lavorano in Fiat Auto!!

questo mi pare doveroso,viste le tante strigliate ce si fanno alla dirigenza,qualche bella parolina i tecnici ogni tanto se la meritano :)

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questo mi pare doveroso,viste le tante strigliate ce si fanno alla dirigenza,qualche bella parolina i tecnici ogni tanto se la meritano icon_smile.gif
Li meritano davvero tanto!

Oltre ai complimenti meriterebbero soprattutto la possibilità di lavorare come sono in grado di fare e non con le mani legate!

La strada intrapresa mi sembra quella giusta comunque...

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