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AlfaRomeo Brera...topic ufficiale.


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Alfa Romeo Brera

It's another Alfa rebirth, only this time it may actually be for real


-Psycho-acoustics is a big part of modern engine design. If a new car sounds enticing, it's not because it just happened that way through some petrol-fuelled cultural osmosis, like it used to. It will have been engineered, analysed, clinicked, deconstructed, reconstructed. It means that, despite rampant regulations,Alfa's new V6 sounds as good as an Alfa V6 should; deep and burbly at low revs, forte con brio at high revs.

-Now I can discover that the steering is both quicker and meatier than a 159's, thanks to the shorter wheelbase and driver-friendlier valving, but there's a disappointing rubberiness around the straight-ahead.It filters out too much subtle road feel, but at least the steering doesn't suffer from the friction found in too many modern systems. And the faster I go, and the twistier the road, the better the Brera gets as other inputs fill in the gaps

-We want this not to feel as turbulent as the 156 GTA, not as nose-heavy as the 147 GTA. Maybe a taste of Impreza WRX would be good.

-It points keenly, like the V6, and as you accelerate through a fast corner you can feel the outside rear wheel loading. That's usually a sign of a throttle-adjustable balance, and so it proves. This Brera is fluid, agile and accurate, attributes that make up for its lack of ultimate pace.

-You should try a V6, though. It's good when faith is restored

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A friend of mine made a test drive of Brera 3.2....accoding to him the new 3.2 sounds better than the V6 busso....brera 3.2 sticks you in the seat even with 5th gear...lots of torque.Sportier than 159 witn better steering wheel!!...Bravo Paolo Masai!


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Eh ma cazzo, iniziamo subito con i disallineamenti del cofano! :?


There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!

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