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Marchesi Antinori and Fiat To Enter The Viticulture Industry

New Holland, a Fiat Group company and a world dealer in agricultural and construction machinery industry, and Marchesi Antinori have agreed to start a collaborative agreement in the supply of grape harvesters and the implementation of innovative solutions in the viticulture industry.

New Holland has already provided some VL 660 grape harvesters, delivered to Azienda Tormaresca in Apulia and to Azienda Tignanello in Tuscany. The VL grape- harvesters has received several awards both in Italy and abroad, for the innovative features in its harvesting head.

With over 11, 000 grape harvesters all over the world, New Holland is the undisputed leader in this market segment.

For 26 generations, since the 1300's, Marchesi Antinori has marked the winegrowing/wine producing history. Wine production and marketing has always been the primary activity of Antinori family, to let the world know the high quality Tuscany wines.

The collaboration between New Holland and Marchesi Antinori has been signed by Eduardo Teodorani Fabbri, senior corporate vice president of CNH, the Fiat Group sub-holding, operating worldwide under the New Holland and Case trademark, and by Marquis Piero Antinori.

source :: construction press service

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Italians do it better


Ma ieri c'era scritto che il francese ex citroen (che da quello che ho capito fa un pò le veci di lapo) ha detto che ipotizzava per le future fiat nomi dei colori seguendo i nomi dei vini piemontesi, ma era appunto in piemonte....

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......


Mah quelli tractori picolini che sono usati nelle vine con marcha Ferrari apartengono anche a la New holand?

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell


no, ferrari appartiene al grupo BCS. new holland ha i marchi new holland, case e steyr

C'è un uomo solo al comando, la sua maglia è giallo celeste, il suo nome è Marco Pantani

"Noi non meritavamo di essere puniti in questo modo piloti,ingegneri e l'intero staff hanno chiaramente dimostrato che la McLaren non ha usato alcuna informazione arrivata non lecitamente per avere un vantaggio competitivo" -Ron Dennis-

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