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Nuvera, Fiat Powertrain Technologies, and Centro Ricerche Fiat Sign Fuel Cell Engine Partnership

Joint agreement targets development and supply of high-efficiency hydrogen

fuel cell systems to the Fiat Group and automotive OEMs around the world

MILAN and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Nuvera Fuel Cells, a

leading designer, developer and manufacturer of fuel cell power systems, today

announced it reached a multi-year agreement with Fiat Powertrain Technologies

and Centro Ricerche Fiat to research and develop a high-efficiency hydrogen

fuel cell propulsion system for fuel cell vehicles. Together, the partners

will be the exclusive supplier of the new fuel cell powertrain to the Fiat

Group, which includes Fiat Auto, IVECO, and Case New Holland. The partnership

shall also be open to discuss possible supplies to OEMs worldwide.

The goal of this wide-reaching program is to enable Nuvera, Fiat

Powertrain Technologies and Centro Ricerche Fiat to further develop a fuel

cell powertrain system that will allow automakers to develop a technically,

economically and environmentally viable fuel cell vehicle in the near future.

The system will combine the recently released, highly advanced Nuvera

Andromeda II stack with the specific plant and control system developed by

Fiat Powertrain Technologies and Centro Ricerche Fiat which includes all

necessary auxiliaries satisfying automotive standards, including a low

pressure and high efficiency air compressor.

According to Centro Ricerche Fiat and Fiat Powertrain Technologies

technical experience, and after several years of work with Nuvera and

benchmarking with other fuel cell stack providers, the Andromeda II technology

represents one of the most promising fuel cell stacks available today. This

technology, along with Nuvera's low cost, non-coated metallic stack

architecture and Centro Ricerche Fiat's simplified plant architecture, would

allow OEMs to introduce viable fuel cell vehicles more quickly than once

thought possible.

Centro Ricerche Fiat underlines that the hydrogen fuel cell propulsion

system has been developed with an air delivery system that was specifically

designed to match the requirements of the fuel cell stack. By designing the

air system completely around the fuel cell stack, the purpose-built compressor

delivers exactly what the fuel cell system requires across the entire

operating range, allowing the highest efficiency and lowest cost, compared to

other currently available compressor technologies.

"This is a major milestone for Nuvera and the future of fuel cell

vehicles," said C. Roberto Cordaro, President and CEO of Nuvera Fuel Cells.

"This new development, which further demonstrates Nuvera's leadership in

transportation fuel cells, will allow Nuvera to provide both fuel cell stacks

and entire fuel cell systems to our partners and potential customers to help

accelerate the development -- and introduction -- of fuel cell vehicles."

The new fuel cell system operates at low pressure and without external

humidification, which allows simplification of the plant's architecture. The

reduction in parts also reduces parasitic power losses and simplifies the

control of the system, resulting in higher efficiency and enhanced


Nuvera Fuel Cells

Nuvera Fuel Cells ( is a global leader in the

development and advancement of multi-fuel processing and fuel cell technology.

With offices located in Italy and the USA, Nuvera is committed to advancing

the commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell power modules for industrial

vehicles and equipment and stationary applications, natural gas fuel cell

power systems for cogeneration applications, and on-board gasoline fuel

processors and fuel cell stacks for automotive applications. Nuvera Fuel Cells

Europe is ISO 9001:2000 certified for "Research, Development, Design,

Production and Servicing of Fuel Cell Stacks and Fuel Cell Systems."

Fiat Powertrain Technologies

Fiat Powertrain Technologies, a new industrial sector of the Fiat Group

(, integrates all the Group's design, manufacturing

and innovation capabilities and expertise in engines and transmissions -- a

new business open to the external world. The new company operates in 12

countries with 26 manufacturing plants and 16 research and development centers

and combines the resources, employees and activities of Fiat Auto Powertrain,

Iveco Powertrain, Magneti Marelli Powertrain, Iveco Motoren Forschung and the

Powertrain research activities of the Fiat Research Center and Elasis. It

employs over 23 thousand employees.

Centro Ricerche Fiat

Centro Ricerche Fiat ( was founded in 1976 as an

Engineering Centre providing R&D services, at first, to each of the different

companies within the Fiat Group and, at a second stage, also to automotive

suppliers, companies from other sectors of industry, and national and

international research agencies. Priority areas of R&D at CRF include Energy

and the Environment, Safety and Well-Being, and Sustainable Growth. Its core

competence is centered on land transportation: advanced vehicles and

propulsion systems, innovative components with associated manufacturing

processes and methodologies for product development. CRF, which currently has

approximately 950 employees, is organized in the following principal technical

divisions: Engines, Vehicles, and Technologies.

Credo sia un ottimo accordo per entrambe le società :)


posto che non c'ho capito quasi niente (se non appunto che ora Fiat ha ufficialmente un partner per sviluppare le tecnologie a idrogeno) la notizia fa piacere...

Ultimamente Fiat sembra molto attiva nella ricerca di parters... e il fatto che ne trovi vuol dire che gode comunque di una certa fiducia.

Italians do it better


Ultimamente Fiat sembra molto attiva nella ricerca di parters... e il fatto che ne trovi vuol dire che gode comunque di una certa fiducia.

su questo non ci sono dubbi ,non solo ma molte imprese italiane godono di stima

su questo non ci sono dubbi ,non solo ma molte imprese italiane godono di stima

Intendo non solo stima non solo dal punto di vista tecnico (che su alcune cose tipo diesel Fiat e' stimata ovunque), ma anche probabilmente fiducia dal punto di vista finanziario. Nessuno farebbe progetti a lungo termine con un'azienda in via di fallimento.

Probabilmente l'anno scorso o peggio due anni fa Fiat non avrebbe trovato tante alleanze.

Italians do it better

posto che non c'ho capito quasi niente (se non appunto che ora Fiat ha ufficialmente un partner per sviluppare le tecnologie a idrogeno) la notizia fa piacere...

Ultimamente Fiat sembra molto attiva nella ricerca di parters... e il fatto che ne trovi vuol dire che gode comunque di una certa fiducia.

Intendo non solo stima non solo dal punto di vista tecnico (che su alcune cose tipo diesel Fiat e' stimata ovunque), ma anche probabilmente fiducia dal punto di vista finanziario. Nessuno farebbe progetti a lungo termine con un'azienda in via di fallimento.

Probabilmente l'anno scorso o peggio due anni fa Fiat non avrebbe trovato tante alleanze.

Sì scusa, questo è un comunicato stampa che rende noto che la collaborazione che c'era già ora sarà più stretta e in esclusiva

Ho solo riportato perché avevo letto qui nel forum che si discuteva di alleanze ecc.... visto che mi è capitato sotto mano l'ho riportato :)

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!

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