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Gtv V6 Tb

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Which are the reasons Alfa stopped producing V6 TB in Gtv?

1)Euro 2

2)The front axle of Gtv could not manage to put down the big torque of that engine...anything else?

I have heard that an engine in order to catch Euro 4 should have from a capacity of cylinder and above. If the cylinders he cannot pass Euro4.This explains the suppression of V6 TB and the replacement with 3lt engines.


Mi sembra che abbiano soppresso il 2000 Turbo V6, che conosco molto molto bene, perchè costava troppo aggiornarlo euro 3 (ma potrei anche aver torto), e poi perchè i consumi erano simili al V6 3.0 e quindi, secondo l'alfaromeo, non aveva senso averlo in listino.

E così tutte le alfa si sono trovate con un "piiiiiiiiiiccolo buco" tra il 2.0 da 150cv e il, nuovo, 3.2 V6 da 240/250cv.....

commento personale: idioti.


  • 2 settimane fa...

sakis, this engine was offered in EU3 configuration for 936. the product strategy of Alfa Romeo simply didn't allow further development and discontinuing the production at the end was an easy way to reduce costs

Which are the reasons Alfa stopped producing V6 TB in Gtv?

1)Euro 2

2)The front axle of Gtv could not manage to put down the big torque of that engine...anything else?

I have heard that an engine in order to catch Euro 4 should have from a capacity of cylinder and above. If the cylinders he cannot pass Euro4.This explains the suppression of V6 TB and the replacement with 3lt engines.

Euro 3 :-((

Peccato per questo motore fato soppratutto per l'Italia,per raggioni fiscali,no?

Alfa Giulietta 1.4 MultiAir 170 Distinctive

sakis, this engine was offered in EU3 configuration for 936. the product strategy of Alfa Romeo simply didn't allow further development and discontinuing the production at the end was an easy way to reduce costs

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