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Nuovo Hummer H1?


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My brother flies 747's to Hong Kong ( this went to Kuwait) ...he writes...I have no idea what they are?

I found both of these in the back of my airplane while conducting a walk of the main cargo deck. They were sitting side by side, and were not your typical hummers. These baby's were army surplus style all the way. Even the door handles were made of cast iron. I'm not sure if they where bullet proof or not, but there was a good chance of it! I just thought you might want to see these since you are a big four wheelin fan.

They must be super heavy because the 747 could only carry 4 of them....

Sara' il nuovo Hummer H1...?? :roll: :roll:


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Sembrano dei grossi CASSONETTI DELL'IMMONDIZIA"... :lol:

Alfa Romeo e Ferrari: due marchi uniti dalla storia e orgoglio automobilistico italiano.

Il cavallino rampante vede la luce sulle fiancate delle Alfa Romeo della Scuderia Ferrari in occasione della 24 Ore di Spa, in Belgio, nel luglio del 1932.

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