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A redesign is due for the third quarter of 2007. Stow 'n' Go is to be reworked; all wheel drive may be re-introduced. Ralph Gilles of 300C fame is the lead designer. The identifier for the new minis is RT, but that's not R/T (Road and Track); it's just RS moved up one letter. (RS is the current model identifier). We’d expect the Chrysler version to have more 300C-type styling; this photo appears to be the Dodge, with the standard new Dodge grille (from the Caliber).

Un Voyager in versione 300 style....c'era da aspettarselo!!

Si puo' notare la fiancata woody simile al concept Kahuna di qlk anno fa'...




The identifier for the new minis is RT,

si chiama RG la versione attuale in Europa, RS negli states ...cmq sembra quasi certo che la RT sarà solo prodotta in America e non più a Graz/Austria.

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