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Which will be the first new models to hit the market?

We are working on a replacement for the Stilo -- that will be a hot product. Lancia may come out with a remake of the Delta model. And the Fiat 500 will surprise a lot of people. In the light commercial vehicle market, we will show we have our finger on the youth market -- our vehicle will be more sexy than anyone else's

Remake di Delta non significa fare un cesso a 4 ruote e metterci il nome Delta ma significherebbe ispirarsi alla VERA Delta....


Which will be the first new models to hit the market?

We are working on a replacement for the Stilo -- that will be a hot product. Lancia may come out with a remake of the Delta model. And the Fiat 500 will surprise a lot of people. In the light commercial vehicle market, we will show we have our finger on the youth market -- our vehicle will be more sexy than anyone else's.

Italians do it better

Which will be the first new models to hit the market?

We are working on a replacement for the Stilo -- that will be a hot product. Lancia may come out with a remake of the Delta model. And the Fiat 500 will surprise a lot of people. In the light commercial vehicle market, we will show we have our finger on the youth market -- our vehicle will be more sexy than anyone else's.


bene, soprattutto per la nuova generazione LCV (3 modelli in un anno).


bene, soprattutto per la nuova generazione LCV (3 modelli in un anno).

Che sarebbero?

Bisogna guidare straniero per capire il "PIACERE DI GUIDA ITALIANO"


LCV è un termine inglese che significa light commercial vehicle (con massa max. normalmente < 3,5t). sono in fase d'arrivo il X2/50, G9 e Minicargo ... visto il successo del nuovo Dobló mi aspetto di vedere delle belle ;)


How can you design a car in one year?

The design department at Fiat is a small group. We don't have any committees, so there's no reason for us to take 24 to 36 months to develop a car. If a company is taking that long, it probably means communications are not working well, there are a lot of revisions going on, and you don't have the right team with the right vision.

Io trovo questa parte la piu interessante...

Grazie jokejoe !!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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